The Arsenal

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"I really must insist you move into the packhouse," I told Penny as the alarms blared. "For whatever reason, no one built safe rooms in any of the other houses."

"Who would bother for the peasants?" Penny quipped.

"That would be funny if I believed that wasn't the reason." I did smile, though. As manic as it seemed, laughing about it was easier than being afraid.

"Fine. We'll pack later. But for now, we should get to one." Penny said, becoming very serious. I looked out the window. There was a clear path to the packhouse from here, but we needed to move three babies.

'Where is the fight, Wyatt?'

'East end. Stay inside, Val.'

'I'm at Steven's place with Penny and the pups.'

'Go home and then stay inside.' He corrected himself, and I nodded as if he could see the motion.

"We are okay to get the packhouse if we move quickly. Wyatt said the fight is at the East end."

"Right. Okay. But anything with three babies is not quick." We would probably have better luck waiting here and hoping for the best. If they got to us, we would have more power in this room than everyone in the pack combined.

"Unpopular suggestion?" I asked her.

"Go for it." Her eyes lit up a little bit. I think she liked being included, and Steven usually didn't do that.

"We wait here. Maybe they go up to the back bedroom. They would have to get through the front door and up the stairs before getting to us, and I won't let them get that far."

"But Val-"

"Penny, it doesn't matter. I'm not going to let us all die. This house isn't a target. Besides, handling a few wolves is easier than a whole battlefield of them." I explained to her.

"I can hide us," Steven insisting she didn't help needed to come to an end until we got this under control. I noted I had to quiz her on the extent of her power if we survived. "We go upstairs, and if they get through the front door, I'll put up a shield for us. They won't be able to see us even if they are right in front of us, and it'll repel them from getting too close."

I nodded at her and picked up Tobias. She grabbed the twins, and we raced up the stairs. We got into the back bedroom closet, which was the size of the living room in my old apartment. It was the further part of the house from the front door, so it would give us the most time. I held Tobias while Penny rocked Roman, who decided to kick off. His sister was sleeping as if she was so used to his nonsense that it didn't bother her. Tobias' eyes never left Kayla's sleeping face.

"I feel like Kayla will make a great trophy mate someday. They can also sleep through anything," I joked, and she laughed—anything to ease the tension that was building.

"Oh, shut your mouth with that. I am going to take them so far from this place when the time comes; they won't have a chance to get mates at all," she said once the laughter died.

"That's a good call, but in my experience, the bond of the were-world has a way of pulling you back in even if you run."

"You told me someday you would tell me how you go here."

"Right." I did remember saying that. "I thought I was crazy, talking to a wolf. They drugged me to stop it. It worked most of the time."

"In your defense, a lot of the time, your wolf does drive you crazy. Steven is always fighting with his. It's a little funny from the outside, but inside of him... it's a challenge."

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