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              What interesting stuff happened yesterday? I basically had no homework and my religion class was just watching a Jesus movie (btw Jesus is a white man with brown hair and blue eyes in this version and so are his apostles, which triggers me because they should be Middle Eastern) and we learned about a random teaching that basically boiled down to: You aren't perfect, so you don't have the authority to judge others' imperfections. I apparently have to choose a teaching for confirmation, so I'm going to choose that one. I chose St. Joan Of Arc for my saint. 

            What else that was interesting? I bumped into my crush at the bathroom again, and I actually had a conversation that wasn't really awkward, overthought, or stiff. I am happy about that :)  

            It was also annoyed that I only have 17 weeks of school left! If you don't include this week it's 16, and not including spring break, it's 15, then May isn't really school so it's more of like 10-12 weeks of school left. 

            This morning I had a weird dream where I had a false wake up 3 times. So basically I was dreaming then I opened my eyes and went down to get breakfast, then I woke up and I was like- oh that was a dream then, so I sit up, the I have a third false wake up, and I stayed in bed, then I actually woke up.

            Today is late start, and I feel tired, but we are close to the end of the week, so that's good. Hopefully today will go by fast. I'm wearing my gear (jewellery) to school today so maybe something alterhuman will happen today.

I'll probably update later!


               So, I once again had no shifts today. 

               I left my lunch in my car this morning and the teacher that doesn't like anybody except me got me a hot lunch to eat. I thanked her like eight times. The school lunches are actually so bad though, the mashed potatoes were unsalted and they left the skin in. It was still potatoes though, so I liked it.

               In sci class we have a unit about titan's methane lakes, I decided to count have many times my science teacher said Methane. In our 50- minute class period, he said it a total of 32 times. I don't know how that was relevant but I did it anyway.

          I'm starting to feel a little sick, so maybe if I'm sick enough I can skip school tomorrow. I don't want to get too sick though. 

               I also have this random project in Spanish class, and I have to make a menu for a sandwich cafe or something, so I named it No se Cafe (idk cafe) 

            That's it for now though, if I have any shifts I'll write them down!

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