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               I don't know if anything interesting will happen today, but I did just find out that I have shorter classes today so that is fun I'll probably write more that this later.


          So I had some shorter classes, we did some fun stuff in ELA and we just wrote stuff about activists and stuff 

           I had a mini retreat for confirmation and basically they said confirmation is special because it's your choice, but my parents are forcing me to- so like...

      I think that tomorrow there isn't any schedule change or event of some sort of event so that's nice but also boring 

           I just spotted a wild therian omg! There was like 16-18 year old and they had a wolf cut with like this ombré green dye and they had a friend with them, they were wearing a raccoon tail and they had a little pink and black raccoon tail keychain on their bag and they were wearing a black sweatshirt with the theeta-delta symbol on it.

          There is a therian in my area!! I don't think I will ever see that person again though but I saw them.

         Other than that nothing has really happened 


            Nvm something did happen! My two dooshbag partners for my science project didn't do what I asked them, it was literally 4 questions, I had already done everything else, and now I have more stuff to do. It's not that it's that much of an inconvenience doing a four question hw page, it's that one of the questions asks me to compare my answers with a different group and no one I have asked remembers theirs because we already turned it in, except me because Albert and Keneth(not their real names) are inconsiderate 

            So now I'm mad and I have to physically stop myself from growling. I find it cringe that I actually have the instinct to growl when I'm mad tbh


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