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One more day until America's solar eclipse of 2024

Okay so, I forgot to write about Toronto lol.

            So We went to the science centre that day, there were a bunch of kids literally everywhere on like a school trip, so my fam went up to the second floor (it was actually the 5th floor, the floors were backwards) and up there, there was a bunch of climate change stuff, including a little tree with those wooden clip things (I'm forgetting what they're called) and you could write messages, so I put 2, one was a drawing of skibidi toilet with a message on the back saying "I had a past life here" and then another one said "missing my past lives -a Canine Therian (look up therian)" Maybe I lead one of those kids to realize they were a therian.

             Then we went to a market and bought cheese and maple syrup XD

          After that we went to the museum of illusions, which was fun, there was this one thing called the VORTEX (It was in all caps for some reason) and walking through it is super disorienting, but somehow weirdly fun.


            Then we went shopping and I got a deck of cards, because why not and I wanted to try Cardromancy. Cardromancy is a lot simpler than tarot. It's like the saying "you're  playing checkers, I'm playing chess" Cardromancy is the checkers and Tarot is the chess lol.

          The day after that we walked by the lake front, we went up into CN tower (I'll make a chapter for the photos I took there) and we went to an arcade, and me and my brother definitely did not cheat on anything to grind for points and taking like 5 stuffed animals with us.

        So about the stingray shifts, I started to consider a new theriotype, as well as a flicker, but none of the behaviours I've developed recently so idk, it's just a cameo.

          On another note I just recently found out about shape-shifting-kin, and I started to think about it because I remember when I was like 9, in my ballet classes I would always get phantom shifts but I could change what the shift was, Or I had A dog tail shift and I couldn't change it.

I'll write more later, I gtg


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