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So we went to a ton of different places, the Jefferson memorial, the FDR memorial, the Washington monument the Lincoln memorial, the Vietnam, WWI, WWII, and Korean War memorials.

After that we went to Arlington. We watched a wreath laying ceremony. One of my friends was laying the wreath, the sentinels were so scary man, they were in full military uniforms with glove and a rifle. They had this things on their boots that made sound when they walk and when the turned. Apparently the guy in charge had a major code switch. So like he's walking like a video game character, administrating orders with a blank but intimidating face. And he walked up to the wreath layers and his poster, his face his voice, and his attitude went from military officer to friendly person. He goes up to them and is like "how are you?? Where you from what's your name?" And gave everyone a fist bump, he explained what was going to happen and then he was like "you ready?" And my friends replied with yeah. Then he went back to box military officer. I gotta say that most of it is just for show. Look up a video it's crazy.

Then we went to the White House, which is smaller that I expected. There was a guy blasting music and dancing, he hit the griddy, he did the floss, he was funny he played Casper slide and everybody was dancing along. Some of my other friends told me to breakdance, And I was like "only if you hold my stuff" and they took my 80 pounds of junk so I went by the guy and started breakdancing. I got up after a few seconds and he told me that the ground was dirty and I should probably wash my hands. I gave the guy $2 because come on, he let me breakdance, and he hit the griddy, I had too.

Anyway all of the nature in DC is stunning, so I recommend going if you like nature, but it is really hot here.

My teachers didn't take away my phone and I didn't miss My medicine. We're on our way to dinner now and once we get back to the hotel room I'm going to watch anime until it's time for bed lol. If anything interesting happens I'll update 

Kintype of the day: arctic fox 


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