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Brett couldn’t recall a time where he’d ever felt this complete, this warm, this happy. 
Which was funny, because at the same time, it also scared the shit out of him.

At one point, after a long while of them sitting on Eddy’s bed, Brett’s head still lying on Eddy’s very comfortable shoulder, the reasonable and coward part of him quietly muttered a “I should probably leave” into the silence.
“You probably should”, Eddy agreed, sounding calm, almost neutral.
“We have a competition to play soon.”
“And a whole day of rehearsals tomorrow.”
“Is there gonna be another master class?”
“I think so. About the movement we want to play.”
“You know which one you gonna perform?”, Brett wondered, suddenly realizing with a shock that he hadn’t spent a second thinking about which movement he wanted to choose for the competition.
Eddy shrugged, making Brett’s head bob up and down. “I have an idea.”
“Tell me!”, Brett blurted out. 
“Not gonna happen”, Eddy said, his tone amused, “You’re aware we’re not supposed to know what the other’s playing.”
“I know”, Brett sighed, “another one of those stupid rules!”
“They want to keep it interesting.”
“I feel like a lot of this stuff is established just to keep things interesting.”

“I think I really do need to go now”, Brett tried again after another couple minutes of comfortable silence.
This time, Eddy gave Brett’s shoulder a squeeze before releasing him and thus withdrawing warmth and closeness from Brett it almost made him tear up. He quickly shot up to hide it though and stretched his stiff back, facing away from Eddy. 
“You’re alright with going to your hotel by yourself?”, Eddy asked behind him.

“What am I? A ten year old?”, Brett retorted and turned around when he was sure he had his features under control.
“Guess earlier bedtime for me then, Mr. Grown-up”, Eddy yawned. 
Brett chuckled. “Think this train has left the station.”
The taller threw a glance at his Mickey Mouse watch on the nightstand and stilled. The “Fuck!” he breathed with wide eyes made Brett laugh. 

The elevator ride down was thankfully much less awkward than their last and Brett dreaded the moment he had to leave Eddy’s side, this little fact adding to the slight panic that slowly but surely rose within him. The ping tore him out of his deep thoughts, but before he had a chance to step into the hallway, Eddy laid a hand over Brett’s mouth and forcefully pulled him to the side of the lift.

“Dude!”, Brett tried to mouth. 
“Psshhht!”, it sounded right next to Brett’s left ear.
Eddy’s free hand punched the closing button for the elevator in lightning speed and as soon as the doors were closed, he let Brett go. 
“Dude! What the hell?”
“Security”, Eddy panted, hands propped up on his knees like he’d just ran a marathon, “If he sees you leave the building without a resident’s pass, we’re screwed!”
Brett’s eyes widened. “Oh, shit!”
“Wait, what…”
“No visitors after ten. They’re pretty strict here “
The elevator reached Eddy’s floor again and Brett found himself tiptoing behind Eddy like a freaking ninja to get into his room as soon as possible.

“If I’m caught, I might lose my scholarship”, Eddy remarked after closing the door. 
“Damn! Never heard of a student dorm this strict, man!”, Brett shook his head, “What are we gonna do now? Shall I like, climb down the drains or something?”
“Don’t be silly!”, Eddy tsked, stepped to the window and glanced down, “They’re not always around, but you were goddamn lucky no one was on duty when you threw stones at the building.”
“I had no choice, okay? I don’t have your phone number and that really couldn’t wait.”
“I agree. I’m glad you came… wait.” 
Eddy turned around slowly, a frown as deep as the Grand Canyon creasing his forehead. “You don’t have my number?”
“No one does, mate”, Brett raised both eyebrows, “I asked around. You should have seen me. Like some freaking headless chicken.”
Eddy reached over to his nightstand and grabbed his phone. 
“This has to change like, right now! Here!” He extended his devise towards Brett, who took it and punched in his number. 
“What’s your last name again?”, Eddy frowned when he took it back and looked at the new contact. 
“Like the sun, but with a tree.”
“Huh?”, the taller made. 
Brett chuckled. “See who’s more well-versed in Chinese characters.”
It took a brief moment, but Eddy showed understanding eventually. “Oh! Yang, right?”
“You got it!”, Brett winked, “Give me a call so I’ll have yours?”
“You bet!”
Eddy hit the call button and a second after, Brett felt vis phone vibrate in his pockets. 
“There you go!”
“Finally!”, Brett sighed, “This doesn’t help my situation though.”
“There’s just one thing we can do now”, Eddy said, sounding determined. 
“And that’d be?”
“You sleep here!”

Brett forgot how to blink, hell, how to breath when his mouth fell open in shock. 


Play!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ