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Was that really a violin that was being played? Or some ethereal instrument sent from Heaven to bless everyone hearing it with sweetness and love not felt till this moment? If Brett would have lived all his life just to be concertmaster right now, accompanying Eddy Chen for his historical performance, he'd die happily because he could say with all his heart that he’d experienced the most beautiful music in this era live. It was what Korngold had intended for sure!

How had this guy practiced during the afternoon? His second movement had been remarkable during rehearsals this morning already, but not to this level. Eddy’s playing was golden, pure and oh, Brett had never heard the melody being caressed this way. It was incredibly sweet, awakening a yearning that hurt physically, driving tears into Brett’s eyes and making it very hard to read the notes and thus lead the orchestra. It was a miracle they managed and Brett could tell he wasn’t the only one affected. No coughs from the audience, just sniffles here and there and rustling when someone pulled out a tissue. The high notes clenched his heart, Eddy’s vibrato was so soulful it seemed impossible they had been too even at some point. Playing like a robot? Emotionless? This, ladies and gentlemen, was the magic bringing every type of machine to life, evoking all sorts of emotions even in the coldest person. Eddy’s phrases sang. Sang of a deep, all encompassing love, ready to give up everything. It wasn’t just all sweet and sunshine and rainbows though. When the melody started to jump between low and high notes and added some dissonance, Eddy managed to bring out completely different colours, stirring up feelings of longing, doubt and questioning. Is he worthy of such love? Is giving up everything enough? What if the other isn’t requiting their feelings? Brett felt it described exactly what he was experiencing, the ups and downs, the most exciting tingles and devastating spirals sometimes literal seconds apart. It was this journey a lot of people found themselves on eventually. A rollercoaster of emotions, for better or worse.

At one point, Brett carefully glanced at Eddy from the corners of his eyes. He was deeply sunken in his zone, eyes closed, forehead glittering with sweat and breathing matching the bow strokes of his right arm. A violinist in his element, standing where he belonged, sharing his beautiful interpretation and Brett couldn’t help but marvel over the artistry and musicality he was witnessing. Eddy was made for greatness and with this new skill of emotional playing unlocked, he was certainly going to strive for the stars.

But what was that? Did Brett really see a tear, however small and subtle, running down the side of Eddy’s face? It was hard to discern from the angle Brett was sitting, so it could also be a drop of sweat. It had to be! There was no reason for Eddy to be sad, right? Or was he so drawn in into his own music it overwhelmed him as well?

When they neared the end, the soulfulness and yearning in Eddy’s playing intensified and Brett had to repeatedly force himself to focus on his part and not get lost into the solo violin’s melody. Only a few bars left, a few notes Eddy used to mesmerize the audience till the very end, and he succeeded.

Seldom had Brett experienced such a drawn out silence like after Eddy’s performance. The taller’s eyelids remained closed, slightly quivering, making his lashes flutter and him look breathtakingly beautiful. Brett sat there, stupified like most of the present people with his mouth half open, unable to process what he’d just heard. Then, the applause came, hesitant claps here and there at first until the waves arose, loud cheers and whistles from the clearly moved audience. The orchestra joined in with beaming eyes, both conductors clapping with appreciative nods and big smiles. 

But Eddy just stood there for an eternity like a column carved out of ice, violin and bow loosely in his hands. Then, instead of bowing to his thrilled audience or shaking Mr. Thames’ hand, he turned to Brett. 

Brett froze. 

What on earth?

No excited glint, no victorious grin which would only be natural after such a performance. Instead, there was a sadness and heaviness in his gaze that caused Brett’s brain to blank. This time the tear traveling down Eddy’s cheek was clear as day. He pressed his eyes shut, angrily wiped the treacherous droplet away before quickly taking Mr. Thames’ outstretched hand and striving past Brett and off the stage without looking back once, the applause drowning out his hurried steps, blurring all of Brett’s senses and every little bit of clear thought left in his head.

A/N: Hi guys 😊 Sorry for the late upload. I'm at a conference during a national holiday we have in my country, which is why the upload on Saturday might be delayed as well. Thanks for bearing with me and for every star and comment as usual! Trust me, they are much appreciated.

Love, author-san

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