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Why, oh why had he agreed to this? It wasn’t like he needed another reason to get nervous about but here he was, stepping from one foot to another like a freaking advanced tap dancer while glancing at the big clock over the cafeteria entrance every few seconds, waiting for his doom or a pleasant evening to start, depending on one person he’d never met in his life.

How was she going to be? Stern? Strict? Having raised a son like Eddy with his perfectionist attitude, Brett kind of expected her to be your typical Asian mother: Making sure on every step of her kid’s way that they achieved the best grade, the highest number of competition trophies and the brightest future possible. On the other hand, she had allowed Eddy and his sister to study music, so she couldn’t be that much of a tiger mum, right?

Brett scratched the back of his head in distress, bumping his elbow at the violin case in the process. He didn't want to be late under any circumstances so he’d given back the keys fifteen minutes earlier than necessary, which turned out to be a dumb idea. Chances were that they were gonna show up late anyway, so why did he have to extend his suffering?

Now, there was movement at the door, but it was only a bunch of Sydney con people, nodding at him when they shuffled to the counter to cue. Another look at the clock revealed that the Chen family was five minutes late. Brett heaved a sigh, dropped his head and closed his eyes. 

Then, suddenly, there were voices approaching. 
“Now where’s that boy you’ve been talking about all week?”
“Over there! Hurry ma, we’re late!”
“那是誰的錯? (And who’s fault is it?) I was waiting for you at the front door. You were once again-”
“I know, I know! Now come!”
Brett shot up, his back straighter than his bow and the next second, a middle-aged, small Asian woman, dressed in an elegant, yellow dress and Brett’s deskie stepped around the corner. 

“Oh, this must be him!”, the woman said, carrying a delighted expression, “Oh, Eddy. He’s just as cute as you’ve described! Look at those eyes! And his beautiful skin! So white-”
“Oh my god, mum!!!”, Brett heard Eddy groan the loudest since they’d met.
“Uhm…”, Brett stuttered while his face took on a similar shade like the rosin he carried in his case despite his deadpan abilities. Maybe they’d joined his other social skills on some island in the pacific.
“Hi, Mrs. Chen. 很高興認識妳. (Nice to meet you.)”
“哇! 中文也很不錯. 韋承, 你這新朋友真棒! (Wow, his Chinese’s not bad. You’re new friend is great, Eddy!)” 
“Told you he’s awesome”, Eddy mumbled, not meeting Brett or his mum’s eyes, “Can we get food now? We sorta need to be on time tonight.”
“Says the one who let his own mother wait out in the heat”, Mrs. Chen humphed with that default Asian mum voice Brett recognized from his own mother, nose up-high, the corners of her mouth twitching however. “Come on, you two. My treat. Let’s hope they serve something decent here.”

They trotted after her like two obedient little puppies and as hard as he tried, the heat just wouldn’t wear off Brett’s face. He must have heard it wrong, right? No way Eddy had mentioned the c-word to his mum, right?
“Hi”, Eddy breathed, not helping Brett’s colouring. 
“Hi”, Brett said back.
“Did practice go okay?”
“Gonna put in a recurring notification in my calendar for changing strings, that’s for sure.”
Eddy chuckled. “So you feel ready for tonight?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess. You?”
Eddy nodded, his gaze a bit lost however. “I think so. Sorry for my mum by the way. She can be a bit much and she clearly isn’t keeping herself in check today.”
A grin broke out on Brett’s face before he remarked, “She’s nice.”
Eddy rolled his eyes. “Of course you think that after she said you’re cute. Told you the second she sees you, she wants to adopt you.”
Stupid floor, almost causing Brett to trip after hearing that one particular word again. “I recall her quoting it from another source.”
Fascinating, how fast Eddy’s cheeks matched Brett’s colour. The other looked away, not successful in hiding his bright red ears though. “I told her not to mention that! God…”

“What is this food? Not enough vegetable and unprocessed meat options”, Mrs. Chen complained when they reached the counter. She turned around and frowned at Eddy like she’d done her whole life. “Next time we should definitely go to the 龍城 (Dragon City) or whatever it’s called close to your dorm. Don’t they have rice here? 中餐 (Chinese food)...”
“They change menus every day, ma”, Eddy sighed, stepped to the front and ordered the most suitable menu item for the three of them. Brett made sure to properly thank her when she paid for the food and grabbed her plate too when they looked for a place to sit.

“So, Brett was it, right?”, she smiled after taking a few bites of a depressed version of fried noodles.
Brett blinked and swallowed his mouthful. “Yes.”
“Well, it’s very nice to meet you. You’ve been spending time with Eddy, I heard?”
“Yeah, yeah… he’s very talented. I learnt a lot from him the past week.”
“Oh I’m sure he learnt just as much. You must be a talented violinist yourself if you've made it this far. I can't wait to hear you play. Eddy, he doesn’t have many friends, you know.”
Eddy presented another eye roll par excellence and Brett had to hold back a snigger. If this would be his mum sitting opposite of him, she’d probably have the exact same conversation with Eddy. This was familiar territory, really and he started to relax a bit.
“He told me. It’s beyond me why though. He’s very fun to be with.”
“Just you tell him! I try to convince him to socialize all the time, but he only does it for career reasons, which is important too, but you know…” Mrs. Chen turned to her son next to her and patted his back, “Friends are for life.”
“You were the one forcing me to practice, study and do homework all the time, how the hell am I supposed to make friends like this?”, Eddy exclaimed, spraying bits of noodles all around.
“Hayah! No talking with your mouth full, how many times do I have to tell you? And yes, I did that for your own good, but the way you 把你自己關在房間裡 (close yourself up in your room) is just not healthy!”
“I am making friends now”, he muttered while shaking his head, “Brett for example! See? I even convinced him to meet us for dinner so you won’t bring it up all the time.”
For some reason, Brett felt like he was a date presented to someone’s parents so they would shut up about their kid not having found a spouse yet. 
“Yes! Finally! And it’s wonderful! I do hope that you’ll stay in touch with Eddy once you’re back home?”
Those imploring eyes were intimidating to say the least. Luckily, the answer to her inquiry was easy. Brett bobbed his head enthusiastically. “Yes, of course! I mean, if he wants to.”
“He better does!”
“Can you please stop talking about me like I’m not around?”, Eddy groaned.
“Friends you know”, she said to Eddy, her tone softer now and the change in Eddy's demeanor didn't escape Brett. He might act annoyed and all, but Brett could see the deep connection between them by the way they looked at each other and the small touches here and there on their arms and shoulders. He smiled as Mrs. Chen continued, “They will be there for you no matter what, if you choose them wisely. Business partners or conductors and great teachers won’t.”
“Don’t worry mum”, Eddy said, his glance now on Brett though, “I plan on keeping him around.”

Brett’s eyes widened and it was a miracle he didn’t choke on the piece of broccoli he was trying to swallow. Mrs. Chen clapped her hands in elation.
“Wonderful! Brett, you’re always welcome in our home and I’d be thrilled if you’d stop by for dinner some day.”
He forced his lips to curl upwards, which was easier said than done with the storm clouding his brain.
“I’d love that. Thank you so much.”

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