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“Next time you want to shoot me secret messages, just speak Chinese.”

Eddy was talking and munching at the same time once again, devouring a good bowl of delicious, heart-warming pho in front of him. They’d gotten away with their “excuse”, saying they had to return to the con soon so they couldn’t tag along and receiving understanding nods for it, even from Katie. Brett could tell Cole wasn’t completely buying it though just by the look he’d given him. However, a shrug was all Brett could offer him. 

“True! Damn! Why haven’t I thought of that?”
“That is, if you can even convey what you wanna express”, Eddy jibed. Brett lifted his spoon full of broth threateningly and contently observed how Eddy ducked away at lightning speed.
“Even I can think of a 救命 (Save me) if the situation requires.”
“Oh not bad.”
“Fuck you, Eddy.”
Eddy laughed. 

“But seriously”, the taller said after slurping another mouthful of noodles, “Aren’t you used to this kinda stuff?”
“Dude, you serious?”, Brett raised an eyebrow and pointed his chopsticks at himself, something his mum had actually taught him not to do, “Do you have eyes? It’s not like girls throw themselves at me exactly. I don’t even know what Katie sees in me.”
“I happen to have quite decent eyesight, thank you. And with that said, I can totally see why people would be interested in you”, Eddy stated neutrally, like they were talking about the weather forecast. 
“Wha… why?”
Eddy laid down his chopsticks and leaned back, his arms crossed and his face showing realization. “You really don’t see yourself, do you?”
Brett’s frown deepened even more. “What the hell does that mean?”
Eddy seemed to deliberate on something as a slight tension creased his forehead. And then, he simply stated, “You’re a good looking guy, you know?”
“Me?”, Brett snorted and almost dropped his spoon full of soup, “I’m super short, practically blind without my glasses and have no impressive or any body build to show for, really.”
“That’s not true”, Eddy chuckled after hearing Brett’s description, “You have a certain aura that’s quite unique.”
“And that’s about it, thank you”, Brett deadpanned and did a little bow, well aware that “unique” could be good or bad and Eddy hadn’t specified anything. 
Eddy shook his head. “No, Brett. Trust me, there’s a lot about you that draws people in. I could start to list out things, but then we're never gonna make it on time for our masterclass.”
Brett bit his tongue so it wouldn’t accidentally spill something stupid and weird like “People like you?”, because now THAT would be very sus and he didn’t even understand why such a question suddenly popped up in his mind at all. 

Instead, he asked, “What about you? You’re quite okay looking yourself”, Brett understated massively, “Is there no one in your life?”
“Nah”, Eddy picked up his chopsticks again, “Too busy practicing, remember? And after hearing what Katie said, everyone’s terrified of me anyway.”
Brett guffawed. “Bet you’d get mad girls if you’d put some effort in.”
Eddy blinked, surprised. “You think so?”
“Of course! I mean, you’ve got style, talent, you’re smart, not to mention you’re…”
An absolutely stunning human being that takes my breath away… nah! Again, something he shouldn’t say, right?
The taller let an eyebrow travel up to meet his fringes. “Yeah? What?”
“Uhm…”, Brett rasped, wrecking his brain for something adequate to say which wasn’t over the top. However, despite all his efforts, his filter appliance came in a tad too late.
“You’re beautiful.”

The ring in his ears was deafening as shock hit him hard, a hand shooting up to cover his rogue mouth. His hopes that Eddy might have not heard him over the chatter around them in the restaurant quickly vanished into thin air when he saw his eyes becoming impossibly large and his mouth drop open.
“I…”, Brett stuttered, desperately trying to minimize the damage, “I mean…”
“Uhm…”, Eddy cast down his gaze onto the nearly finished pho in front of him, “Wow… I don’t think I’ve ever…”
“Shit! I’m… fuck! I’m sorry!”
Eddy’s head shot up again. “What? Why?”
“I… this was uncalled for! God, I’m so sorry, Eddy!”, Brett stuttered, eyes scrunched shut. Where was a hole deep enough to hide his stupid ass and the great shame he’d brought upon himself when he needed it? When in the history of mankind had a bro ever said something so cheesy about another bro? You’re beautiful? Had he gone mad? 

But then, Eddy’s big hand laid itself onto Brett’s slightly shaking one on the table. 
“Brett”, his name was spoken in the most dolce tone, “This is like the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”
The blush tinting Eddy’s cheeks made all the distress torturing Brett evaporate instantly. 
“Oh… oh, really?”
Eddy nodded, the redness intensifying. “Yes. Very much so.”
“Thank you, Brett.”

It was Eddy’s slightly shy, yet radiating face and the squeeze of hand he’d gotten that carried Brett all the way back to the con, through the hallways and into Mr. Jones’ office. Eddy didn’t seem to mind Brett's for once quiet demeanor. In fact, his own eye were glued on the ground passing by underneath his feet most of the time, a small smile playing around his lips. 


The nicest comment Eddy had ever gotten. Not from a judge praising his playing, not from his for sure proud mum, no. It was Brett saying he’s beautiful. 
And it was probably the most true and accurate thing Brett had ever spoken outloud too.
“Alright, fellas! How are you doing?”
Mr. Jones' cheery voice ripped Brett out of his deep, hazy, layered with a pink fog kind of thoughts.
“We’re good”, he finally croaked when Eddy remained silent. 
“Very well! Have you both decided on the movement you’re going to play?”
They nodded. Brett still wasn’t a hundred percent sure, but he’d just try his best this afternoon and see what was going to happen tomorrow. 
“You know the schedule for tomorrow, right? Both of you will play the whole concert in the morning, taking turns playing as soloists and concertmasters. You’ll have time in the afternoon for yourself to practice and prepare, or take a break and then, in the evening…” A heavy pause and a glint in his eyes, “showtime!”
Again, nods from the two, despite Brett finding it dumb they both had to play the whole concert just to keep the surprise factor. What use was this for them and the orchestra, except the extra rehearsal, of course?
“When will we have to tell who what we’re playing?”, Eddy asked. 
“You’ll tell Mr. Thames this evening and only Mr. Thames”, Mr. Jones answered with a wink “He’ll inform the judges for tomorrow and the orchestra shortly before the concert.”
“And who-”
“-are you having a masterclass with, is certainly what you want to know, right, Brett?”, the conductor cut in.
“Uhm… yeah.”
“You’re in luck! We actually managed to bring in both Rebecca Li and Benjamin Goulding again. You’ll be working with them this afternoon.”

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