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"By the way, Brett", Cole said on their short way back to the big hall.
"I know you don't want to, but can you please talk to Katie at some point? It's really hard to watch while basically everyone around you knows you're not interested."
A nasty shiver went down Brett's spine. "Uhm... Did she... did she say something?"
"She always asks me where you are and what our plans are. I can't keep her off your back forever. As soon as you're not a soloist candidate anymore, there's no excuse for you to not hang out with us, or her, for that matter."
"Thanks for your trust in my talent", Brett deadpanned and pulled the door open.
"I'm just saying, consider talking to her, will ya?"

At the moment, there really were other things Brett had to worry about, first and foremost the fact that Eddy Chen playing the violin, especially at the soloist spot and nailing all the double stops, crazy runs and beautiful, long lines would soon be the demise of Brett's firm, yet crumbling resolution to keep every ounce of romance out of their relationship. Brett would be perfectly happy if he'd sit at the concertmaster's spot for the rest of his life if Eddy was the one he'd be playing with. It was mesmerizing, how he managed to take a whole orchestra on a journey to explore the world of the music in front of them with him. While his playing was still a tad too even, an improvement was definitely noticeable. Brett was amazed about how much a musician could grow within less than a week.

That's why it surprised him to see Eddy's gloomy expression when he returned to his seat next to Brett after the run-through.
"What's going on?", he asked quietly while Mr. Thames announced some info about tomorrow.
"It's not good enough!", Eddy heaved a heavy sigh, "I've hoped it would be better after the masterclass."
"What are you talking about? Your playing's much more expressive than it has been at the beginning of the camp."
Eddy shook his head. "But it's still lacking! And the competition's tomorrow. I barely have time..."
"You're playing against me", Brett said, "Trust me, you'll be fine."
Eddy gave him a doubtful look, but stayed quiet for the moment to catch the time of the rehearsal in the morning Mr. Thames was informing them about.

"It's not about winning against you", Eddy stated shortly afterwards as they walked up to their conductor, "And for the record, you slayed it. Just saying."
Brett averted his gaze upon hearing Eddy's compliment, a blush unavoidable at this point. "It's about impressing the jury and I don't think it's gonna happen with what I can deliver at the moment."
"Seriously, Eddy", Brett turned to him despite the redness tinting his cheeks, "I think your playing was amazing! Crisp, clear and we were all really together. And whatever movement you choose, you'll be okay. You don't have to play perfectly for that."
The smile appearing on Eddy's features was wavering, but it was something. "Don't have to play perfectly, huh." His soft eyes found Brett's and a hand landed on the smaller's head, ruffling his hair.
"He- hey!", Brett stuttered and ducked away, the colour on his face intensifying.
"What a Brett-thing to say."

Brett would have loved to ask Eddy what he meant by that, but Mr. Thames was already waiting for them.
"Alright guys! Have you made a decision?"
They nodded simutaneously.
"Very well. Eddy, you come with me first."
Brett had to suppress a headhake over all this fuss they were causing, eyes following Mr. Thames and Eddy to the side of the hall. He still found it stupid this had to be a secret and couldn't help his curious ass wondering about which movement Eddy was going to choose. What if they both were going to play the first? If that was the case, Brett's doom was inevitable. No way he was gonna win against Eddy Chen!

"Brett", Mr. Thames' call brought him back to the present and he strode over, crossing Eddy smiling at him half way.
"What will you be performing?"
"The first movement", Brett answered.
"Good choice!", Mr. Thames nodded, "It's coming along nicely, you're able to carry your lines and phrases and don't worry, we'll play all three movements tomorrow morning and you guys will have some time to yourself in the afternoon to practice or rest." He gave Brett's shoulder a pat. "Don't think for one second you have no chance, Brett. Promise me you'll do your best?"
Was that guy a mind reader or something? Brett nodded, suddenly feeling a bit bad for thinking everything was already decided.

Eddy was waiting for him by their desk.
"You good?", he asked, swinging his case over his shoulder.
Brett picked up his. "Yeah. You?"
"Think so. Thanks for the pep talk earlier."
"No worries! Just got one from Mr. Thames, so we're all replenished, I guess."
Eddy laughed. "Wanna find the others?"
Eddy suggesting they'll go socialize? He'd really come a long way.

The group was audible before they spotted them in the entrance hall with Nathan unintentionally elaborating something for the whole con to hear.
"Brett!", Katie exclaimed and hurried over to meet them. It wasn't obvious, but Brett could feel Eddy shaking slightly, probably suppressing a laugh bubbling up. He nudged his elbow into Eddy's side for good measure. Cole was right, he realized, anxiety making his pulse rise already. He had to talk to her eventually, better sooner than later.
"Hi! What are you guys up to?"
"We're heading to a nearby bar. Angelica meant we shouldn't go too wild with all the playing we have to do tomorrow."
"Wise", Brett commented and looked at Eddy. "What do you think?"
"If they let minors in then sure. One beer maybe?"
"Alright! Then it's settled!", she cheered, threw her red hair over her shoulders and dragged Brett over to meet the others.

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