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A cooling breeze ruffled Brett’s hair as Eddy joined him by the railing and leaned his forearms on the metal bar.

“And? How did it go?”
Brett didn’t ask how Eddy knew what kind of conversation he’d had with Katie. Everyone who’d noticed probably had guessed anyway. He sighed deeply and discarded the burden off his tense shoulders. 
“Good, actually. Surprisingly good.”
“She’s not crying”, Eddy remarked with a shrug towards their booth. 
“No, she’s not.”
Eddy patted Brett’s shoulder, his hand radiating a comforting warmth where it rested. “Good job!”
“You seem really glad.”
“Well, this was more stressful than the competition tomorrow, not gonna lie.”
“Ouch”, Eddy chuckled and drew a hand through his tousled hair. It took all of Brett’s self-control to not stare like a freaking creep.
“Seriously! I’d rather play a whole concerto than having to tell someone I don’t like them”, he said instead, bit more agitated than normally.
“Glad I don’t have that kind of experience then”, Eddy meant, eyes on the rising moon above them.
“You never had to turn someone down?”, Brett wondered. How was that even possible? 
“Hmm… if primary school crushes don’t count”, Eddy said. 
“They don’t. Unless you’re still with them.”
“Am not, obviously, so no, I never had… the honor is the wrong word, I guess.”
Brett laughed. Freely and wholeheartedly. It was amazing, how fast Eddy was able to diffuse any leftover tension in Brett’s system, making him light, floaty almost. 

“I can’t believe it!”, Brett stated, “It’s out of the way! It’s done!”
Eddy smiled. “It is. And for the record, you do sound like you’ve just won a competition.”
“Maybe we need to celebrate like I would have!”, Brett smacked his hands on the cool metal bar. 
“Wouldn’t I be devastated if that’d be the case?”, Eddy frowned deeply. 
Brett tilted his head, curiosity mixing itself to the excitement. “Dunno. Would you be?”
Eddy’s features turned thoughtful as his gaze traveled along the pier where tiny people were mingling, looking like ants forging their path through the masses of a typical Saturday night in Sydney.

“I don’t think I would be, to be honest”, he eventually said, sounding surprised about his own statement. 
Brett stilled. “Really?” 
Eddy looked at him a bit dumbfounded. “Yeah.”
Brett sniggered upon seeing the other’s expression. “You look like you just saw a fairy popping out of someone’s butt.”
Eddy snorted. “Dude!”
"No seriously!”
“But it’s weird!”, Eddy exclaimed, still laughing, “I was all about winning days ago! I mean, you heard me. With all the ‘playing perfectly is the most important thing’ and stuff?”
“I do recall that.” And yeah, it was astonishing how much Eddy’s perspective had changed in such a short period. Funnily enough, Brett wasn’t that surprised after all the time he’d spent with him and saw how caring he was, how fun it was to be around him. Eddy Chen wasn’t just a prodigy, striving for the highest accomplishment in regards to music and his career. Maybe it was still a part of him, most certainly even. But it wasn't all encompassing. And Brett liked that a lot.
“You think your playing would have improved if you'd still have the same perspective?”
Eddy fell quiet for a moment. “I don’t know. I’m not sure if that has anything to do with this or the fact that I’m making new experiences everyday.” 
And then, he hesitated, started to knead his fingers and avoided Brett’s eyes as he added very quietly, “I… I do know that it has a whole lot to do with you though…”

That must have been the wind, carrying a different conversation over to Brett’s ears, right?
“Uhm… what did you… I don’t think I’ve heard you…”
Eddy met Brett’s confused eyes now. “You were the one showing me that there’s more to violin playing than just keeping myself locked up in a practice room. And you took some of the pressure away too.”
Brett almost jumped when he felt Eddy’s unsure fingers around his palm. 
“So, if it hasn’t been for you talking some sense into my stubborn head, I’d still be stuck behind a music stand, playing soulless music forever. It’s not like it’s perfect now…”
“You should really get rid of that word”, Brett mumbled while the burning sensation where his hand was being touched spread to his whole upper body and perceivably got Brett’s heart going like the wild horse from Korngold’s third. 
Eddy’s chuckle added fuel to his rising pulse. “You’re right! I’ll try. But what I meant to say is…”
Brett was positive he was going to melt into a pitiful puddle if Eddy wasn’t going to hurry. 
“... thank you, Brett. For not being afraid and speaking up, for addressing things in a way I could understand and perceive. And for…” The squeeze Brett’s hand received, so different from the one he’d gotten from Katie only moments ago, and the tingles it released must have been from another dimension. 
“... for being there for me and giving me all these new experiences. You saved me, Brett.”

Now, how was one supposed to react to such a speech, given by the most gorgeous guy with the softest, most earnest gaze and the slight smile that screamed gratefulness and appreciation, louder and clearer than any word in the English language could?

Brett had to deadpan over it, otherwise he would have done something really stupid. Otherwise he would have leapt forward, claimed those plump lips that had delivered the most meaningful words anyone had ever said to Brett. 
“Uhm… wow, Eddy! I don’t know what to say.”
“No need to say anything.”, Eddy’s smile widened, “Just wanted to make sure you know how much this…” Another press of hand, another set of hundreds or thousands of butterflies taking flight. Brett gulped and turned away a bit to prevent the aforementioned. “... means to me.”

Oh, oh… what? Brett looked up again, into these feline eyes. 

Instead of “this” Eddy could have used a variety of idioms. Friendship, comradery, you name it. However, Eddy hadn’t labeled their relationship. 

“This”. What is this to you, Eddy?

A/N: Finally 😭! I am super sick at the moment in addition to everything 😑, so not much writing happening at all. Thanks for your patience!

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