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Was there really? Was there more than what Brett was willing to admit? And if yes, what?

Okay Brett, just look at the facts, he pep talked himself while his bow arm and left hand fingers were moving on autopilot to play the orchestral part of the first movement. Eddy was standing at the soloist spot, bringing his lines to soar over the orchestra despite the many accidentals.

Yes, Brett had spent the night at Eddy’s, but not because he’d wanted to, he’d had no other choice! This in itself wasn’t out of the ordinary.
However, the way he’d almost died out of nervousness yesterday when he’d realized his fate was a bit weird, if he was being really honest. Also, how much he’d liked, nah, scratch that, loved hugging Eddy to console him after his nightmare was untypical for his normally non-touchy self. 

But what really made his head reel was the fact how absolutely beautiful Eddy Chen was in his eyes. Those big, sleek hands, playing the violin so confidently; his feline, brown eyes, framed by long lashes; his dark, soft hair; his tall, slim figure; the way he spoke, sometimes bold and dripping with self-assurance, sometimes vulnerable and surprisingly honest; those unbelievably plump lips, shining in the most alluring colour…

Brett gulped and almost missed a bar as his thoughts went astray, earning himself a side glance from Mr. Thames. 

He was pretty positive that he’d never in his life deemed anything more stunning, interesting and enticing than Eddy Chen.  

Now, all of this would have been way less complicated if Eddy would have been a girl. Then, Brett could have laid that down as a simple, stupid teenage crush and could have moved on with life. 
However, Eddy wasn’t. Eddy was a guy, very much so. 

Then wasn’t this just Brett being excited about having a new great friend? Everything else didn’t make sense. Yes! This had to be it! Eddy was a great violinist and shared many similar interests with Brett. They even had the same heritage, so it was only natural Brett felt so strongly about Eddy and that he loved every second he spent with him. These weird, fuzzy feelings, the accelerated pulse whenever Eddy entered the same room as Brett, the desire to be close to him, physically and emotionally, all very normal (maybe, probably, hopefully...).

That was also what he told Cole during the break, outside, because Brett had insisted on the outdoor location to discuss this matter for no person in their right mind would follow them into the heat. But all he got was a doubtful look. 
“Nah, Brett! This has a different vibe to it, I swear.”
“And I tell you, it’s just normal bro stuff! I mean, I’m sharing a room with you, no?”
“Yeah, but you’re never this… how do I make myself clear…like I said, I’ve never seen you glow like the freaking full moon like you do with Eddy. Certainly never when we shared a room. Not that I’m taking that personally, just saying.”
“I didn’t glow…”, Brett mumbled and started studying the gold plate with a shitload of text next to the glass entrance of the Sydney con building so he didn’t have to look into his friend’s eyes.
Cole raised an eyebrow. “You did. If the hall had been dark, you alone would have lit up the whole place.”
“You’re being ridiculous!”
“Am I? Or are you avoiding stuff that’s obvious to everyone?”
“If it’s so obvious”, Brett lashed out, knowing quite well his expression was unfriendlier than necessary towards Cole, “why are you not telling me what it is that I don’t see? He’s a good guy and I’m grateful that I get to know such a talented musician whom I can learn stuff from! Why isn’t that a good enough explanation for you?”
“Because”, Cole said, unfazed by Brett’s little outburst, “you know tons of fun and smart people, yet you’re not like that around them. Only around Eddy. He’s special to you, Brett.”
Brett blinked rapidly. Cole was right, he knew right away. But then... “Okay… and now?”
“Well…”, Cole threw his hands in the air, “is there still nothing out of the ordinary you wanna tell me? Or tell yourself?”

Brett hated how this whole conversation led them back to square one. What the fuck? What was there he didn’t see? He’d tried to think about it during rehearsal and had almost fucked up his playing multiple times and now, Cole was telling him this wasn’t just normal appreciation for a new best friend? Brett had to admit there were strong feelings involved, but they shouldn’t dig where there was nothing to find, right?

“Brett, I don’t want to press you into saying or admitting something you don’t want to and maybe I’m seeing things that aren’t there to begin with. If that’s the case, I’m sorry for all the blabbering. All I’m saying is, be careful.”
“What do I have to be careful about?”, Brett frowned. 
“That you don’t get hurt. And that you don’t hurt anyone.”
“Why should I get hurt?”, he asked, slowly feeling dumb with all his questions. 
“Just… take care, okay? You have this competition coming up.”
“Exactly! I don’t even have time to do anything that could hurt anyone, including me. And if you’re talking about yourself, I’m positive you can handle it.”
“Not talking about me, but thanks for your consideration”, Cole deadpanned.
“Cole, look”, Brett sighed, “I know you’re just concerned about me and I’m grateful you are. I really am. But there’s no reason for you to worry. I’m good.”
Cole didn’t seem fully convinced. “You sure?”
“Yeah!”, Brett nodded, reassuring his friend and himself.

Yeah, everything was just fine! There had been special circumstances yesterday. Today however, all was gonna be nice and dandy and very very normal for sure!

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