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I arrive at my place, it is a small apartment of one ensuite room with kitchen and the TV room or rather sitting room which Lead to the balcony. One thing I love about my apartment is the back view come on Midrand is so so damn good.

The garden the trees moving as it is blown by air wow so dreamy. somebody said nature takes care of our souls. Indeed I couldn't agree more and the houses too are so beautiful. I place my bag on the sofa,I am so hungry. I opt to oder a pizza and cold drink.

Cooking is not an option right now because I haven't done grocery shopping. My phone rings as I am waiting for my oder the screen beeps my hero🥺❤️ I quickly answer it he doesn't like to wait at all.

...on a phone call...

"Old man," I happily scream at him. "Who is old, my baby? You know I can still carry your mom to bed, right?" He sheepishly says. "Ew, dad, spare me the details. Please, there is no need at all,"
"How are you, my lovely baby?"

"I am good, dad." I gladly tell him, "Oh dad, there is a lot to tell you. How about I come tell you at home during weekends?" I tell him avoiding long conversations, I am hungry and grumpy. I am not even sure I will make it home by weekend but saying I'll be there saves me from dad interrogating me.

He will end up giving me lectures about colleagues, boys , men apparently there is a difference between men and boys to dad. Man is the male that's willing to marry you in the future and boy is the male that want to toy and play around.

We say our goodbyes as soon as I hear the knock on my door, huu. I release a breath of relief finally the food has arrived. I will eat and answer phone calls later. I munch on the pizza, I am now full after eating three slices of pizza.

I was hungry like that, I drank the cold drink. I decided to go to bed after tidying up since I felt so drowsy. I switch off my phone before sleeping because wow, I really respect my sleep like that. It is now dark outside, and in the room.

I forgot to switch off the lights before sleeping. I switch on my phone, like i guessed, I have tons of missed calls and messages. Lot messeges and missed calls comes from Pookie ( my best friend). She surely going to kill me today.

She is Nandipha Ngubeni. I call her Nandi she is my ride or die my bestie after all. I regret switching on my phone. I can't deal with the notifications sana they are a lot. Sana is a random word in Xhosa. Probably wondering why I like Xhosa word sana?

I just like Xhosa language and I do speak zulu there and there but but not fluently I am fluent in sepedi because I was staying with my granny at limpopo doing high school during family tragedy. By that, I mean my rents were divorced. I wanted to be away from the mess. Thanks for love it made them find their way back to each other's arms.

I call Nandi.

.....On a phone call...

"Hello" answers, a sniffing Nandi come on. What's wrong with my friend ? Who hit her? Hell is going to break lose because what!! "Friend, are you okay? What is it? Where are you who is making you cry?" I know it's a lot of questions, but I need to know.

"How can he do this to me after all the things I did for him I was literally the man in that relationship he thanks me by cheating friend? You should see the bitch he cheated me with this bro doesn't see me friend. I still love him I am going to him now." She sounds like a crying mess right now.

My friend is crazy like that and loving like she is dying tomorrow. She gives her love to people who don't need it, argh. I didn't like that boy for her. Friend I am coming i tell her before hanging up "shit." I curse under my breath.

Now I have to deal with a baby Nandi come on, boys don't love us shame. I am kidding there is my knight shining armor who is looking for me out there. I pack my overnight bag with tomorrow's work clothes and she will accompany me to work tomorrow.

I bolt to her place, I find her still crying. I have her apartment keys she has mine too. This girl has had tears for years. I mean, she is still crying. She knows I am bad at comforting a person or telling sweet things even.

"Babes," I call out to her. "This boy is massive he makes my friend cry like this? I should give him his award." We laugh. That's what I do. Crack jokes instead of comforting her. I am hurt "shh" I try to calm her.

"You know what I have a plan" I smirk "No no Ntobs we are not doing that" she is the only one who calls me like that and she knows what I want to do already.

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