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The day of the owls has arrived. Today is the D day where we get to show this Russian mafias and other clowns who we are.  Let me do the honors, I am Nkanyiso Khumalo, just that, I would like not to say my second name, and I hope Nontobeko did not dare tell you.

I am not gonna bore you about my family. That's for Nontobeko, I love my little sister a lot.  She doesn't know the dark world of this family. We are protecting her. She has guards around her, but she doesn't know which I am glad. Our security systems and IT are tough, so no one will shit on her.

I suspect something brewing. Actually, I know Zulu has been a pest around my little sister. Obviously, I got to know through the security and my IT guy. Zulu has been meeting my sister a lot, and it pisses me. I have to endure for the sake of this shipment.

You may call me a hypocrite since I am after Nontobeko's friend, but I don't want Zulu next to my sister. I am not perfect either, but after my wife died, I did not see myself with any woman. That's the pain I never want to come across. I felt like the world had decided my fate.

I had to hold on for my daughter, Nkanyezi. She is the reminder of Nobuhle, her mother, my wife. I loved her. I still do, but with Indi, Nandipha, I mean, it feels like I have been given a second chance to protect the love of my life. It is like I have found my another heart carrier.

The thing that pisses me off about her is that, he choose wrong niggas small boys to date. She must put a name to my brand man argh. They keep on breaking her heart creating more work for me. I don't mind though, I will be her night shinning amor or whatever nonsense ladies say.

I don't take shit so whatever nonsense she is doing in oder to heal. She must leave it, she can't be sleeping with another nigga to spite the exes, fuck Indi what are you doing to me.  I have to go to my wife's grave, tell her about Indi.

I will do that when we come back from the shipment.  I have put my guys on look for Indi. They must kick every guy who comes near her. He is mine now, that honey pot of her is mine to drink not some lame bees. Whoever does not want to back off I told my guys to shoot his testicles and kill him after nxa.

I bathe, pull off our best attires, which are black suits. We wear suits or nothing, we got to be clean and smell fresh people. I take extra 2 pair of suit in case volva starts to play. Volva is the beast inside me. Darker is my dark world mafia name. 

We are called DD giants. Thus me Darker and Dimmer is Zulu. We are feard everywhere.  Only the dark world knows our faces, the public just know us as the rich brothers which everyone is so obsessed about.

We have stalkers around I blame Andile for that with his socials nxa. He can do socials without us, but bro, be posting our pictures in the name of "we are single we should enjoy the spotlight NC.

I drive my black   latest Mercedes SUV, which I will leave at the warehouse. We agreed with the guards, security, and IT as well as Father, although he is not going. He will give us directives only and pray with us.

Yes, we pray, God is everywhere right. He even loves Satan, so why not love us too.  I arrive at the warehouse, I fist bump with Andile, Zulu, and greet Father. It must be a tough shipment even Bab Dlamini is here to pray with us. We are all in suits.

After we are done praying, everyone goes to their respective cars while we bit Father and Bab Dlamini goodbyes.  This is too serious. Everyone is in their mode, no jokes, just serious faces. Even our joker Andile is quiet.

We have long planned this heist everyone in this team knows their job. The security will play their role in making themselves invisible. We have soldiers, Russian, and South African soldiers on payroll, so they are on stand by incase things get messed up.

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