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POV~ Zulu

"Dammit, Cindy." I bang the table. "What was that for?" Eih, I did say she is becoming a pest. "Baby, I love you, and we have a baby on the way. Don't stress me." I look at her. A baby is innocent, and I want a baby.

Maybe I should forget about Nontobeko like she doesn't exist. And Marry Cindy for the sake of ngwana(child) 123 123. I am kidding. i am a man of my words.

My heart is with MaKhumalo. I lower my voice, offer her a seat. "Do you love her?" she asks. Why is she asking this question? nxa. "She is my sex buddy just like you." I say annoyed, Cindy Is boring man and I don't have feelings for her.

I am not a coward, but I don't want to hit a woman, especially who's pregnant. I will treat her gently, but after birth, her ass will have a smoke . Ladies in my gang ring will deal with her nxa.

I know I should have followed MaKhumalo, but I chose not to. Cindy is a psycho. If she gets it that I love MaKhumalo. She will kill her, and that will hurt me to the core, so I am protecting her.

"How is the baby going?" I shift the topic, I want to be out of here. "The baby is fine. You should end things with sex buddies and please introduce me to your family." I did tell you she is a psycho.

"Tell me more about the baby." I ask, ignoring the shit she is saying to me. "I don't know a lot about the baby. I just tested positive on a home pregnancy test." I am being tested here. "Be ready around 08h00 tomorrow. I will take you to the doctor."

"Zulu.." Ew sounds so rotten when it comes out of her mouth. I miss my MaKhumalo. "I have to go, I will pick you up tomorrow." I go to my car and drive to MaKhumalo' s place. It is so late damn. I knock, knock,knock, and knock.

When I was about to leave, I heard footsteps. I stand tall at the door. The door opens, revealing a sleepy MaKhumalo. I walk in and sit on the couch. She looks at me blankly.

What happened to being shy when she looked at me. She looks at me like a stranger no longer blushing. Damn Cindy argh. "Does your wife know that you are here?" Cindy, look at the damn damage you have done!

Now I have to apologize to my woman. But her being all upset means she also feels the same. I feel about her neh. "MaKhumalo jealousy doesn't suit you." I  tease her.

"What suits me, huh?" She shouts. "Answer me ! I am getting it. What suits me is you asking me on a date, leading me on and pouring your heart to me. Later to spite me with your wife. I pray that if your child is a boy, he must not be like you, nxa."

I am not angry at her, but in this case, I have to be stern with her. I am her man she must not raise her voice at me. I like it that she cares and she is jealous but.

"MaKhumalo! You don't talk to me like that. Don't you dare raise your voice at me. I see it is still early for me to plead my case. I am leaving. I will come back when you are ready to talk to me."

" Yes, go back to your wife." I am now angry. "You know what? with pleasure." I bang the door closed and leave. Shit I am pissed as of Cindy. She will get what she is applying for. I drive to my sister's club, Ndlovu Classic.

I see my gangs sitting. They all stand and chant Boss when I come near them. "Where is Nkanyiso and Andile?" Andile is a friend to us, but we are brothers not biologically, though. Nkanyiso and I are friends from high school.

After I learnt that his father is a Mafia, I asked him to pave me territory in the underworld. He told me I could work for him, but I must know the one to take over it is his son. I just love the adrenaline, the fights.

My father was killed brutally by taxi associations. To take over my father's line and avenge him. I needed Nkanyiso's dad to train me. When Nkanyiso found out about this, he wanted to join too.

He said we are friends in everything. My fight is his fight. His dad was happy that his son was willing to do it earlier than he thought without being forced. We then got the underworld names, and we are feared all the way.

We went through many shit together, and we sold our soul to the devil. We later went to take out the taxi associates that killed my dad . I wanted to own the line with Nkanyiso, but he said he doesn't feed on someone's legacy given by their father.

He let's me own alone, which I appreciated, but I still wanted him. From then on, we went to varsity. In our second year. we were delivering drugs cooked by Nkanyiso s father, Hiddlar. Hiddlar is his dark world name. He cooks 99.9 % pure drugs, which drugs dealers from Russia, USA, and other countries like.

When we were delivering the drugs to the highest bidder in the underworld mafias. We found the Mafia about to kill Andile as he was useless like he said. We offered to buy him since he was trained in Russia and he is black.

We can't let these whites kill our own. We wanted to buy him out in oder to save him. The mafian Russia man wanted a 5 million rand and said that's how cheap he is. We did that 2 days later.

We told Andile that he must leave Russians alone if he is not an asset to them. Instead, he asked to join our gang. We took him to Hiddlar, and he shipped him to his cruel Russian friend.

Man came back muscled and strong like us. We then named him Black Mamba. He hit you like a snake he is, and there is more to our names that you still are going to know.

I make my way up to the VIP section and met by my brother's with smiles. "If you smile at me like this, how will my woman be." They laugh "ahh sham a woman, who? Cindy. "Andile says.

"Don't piss me, Andile," I warn him. "Someone is in a bad mood."Talk about a party popper." They say in unison. "What's wrong, dude?" Andile says.

" Relationships, guys." I sigh."The mighty has fallen. The whole woman player o nyisa ke mjolo(relationships are giving him hard times)?" That's Andile for you too forward. I like him still. Andile Ndlovu is Pedi. His parents named him Andile, so I don't know the reason behind it.

He is an orphan who found family in the Khumalos and Zulus. He married my sister, who owns Ndlovu Classic. I had to beat him and shot his leg after finding out he had been snacking and loving my sister all along.

They have 2 boys together, and so far, they have been all happy. She didn't like me for shooting his man, but i was playing brotherly, role shit. My sister is 24, and Andile is 27.

She  is young to me but I call her my sister, we are the 2 children of my mother and late father. But we know our places, though.

"I have found a germ Majita. La medi ungiphethe ngamabhola bro (this girl has me by the balls). I sigh, "and she made me feel the things I have never felt before." I explain further for them to get where I come from.

"He is a gone boy, gone gone Zweli." Andile says, going for a whisky refill. "I hope that's not my sister." That's Nkanyiso saying in a serious ever tone." Oh crap it is her sister, and I can't stop my feelings either.

"I hope not too, in fact, not bad Khumalo, I hope for "her" being your sister because I want you to beat him like he did to me. I will help you." Andile throws his damn two cent making things worse.

I keep quiet. I don't want to be beaten now more, especially since I don't know if Nontobeko will accept me with my coming child. "It seems like you need it more than I do."

Andile hands me the whisky he is having.  Andile is offering me and gulp it one go. "Relax majita, it is not your sister." I lie to them. We shift the conversation to other things.


I hate the disruptions that comes when Zulu is with Nontobeko.

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