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Jimin:"Yeah! What will we tell them?"

Taehyung:"They probably goona freak out!"

Jungkook:"Even they was! They were so worried about you guys! They have called you around 100 times!"


We both take out our phones, and saw 100 miss Calles from both mom and dad.

Y/n:"Shit!!! We are death!"

Yeonjun:"What will we do now?? I don't wanna die by their hands!"

Jhope:"Calm down.we will find a solution"

Rika:"Just tell them that you guys fell from bike while driving"

Rika said while walking towards us.

Y/n:"Great idea!"

Yeonjun:"But what about that bullet wound on your right arms?"

Y/n:"It's uper than my elbow.I'll just wear full sleeves clothes,so that on one can see that"

Rika:"That would be great"

I smile at Rika as I thank her for her little advice.I look over Rika to see Yuna standing infront of the operation room.I walk towards her,and pat her shoulder gently.

Y/n:"He'll be fine"(smile)"Don't worry"

Yuna:"I hope so"

There was a silence in between us,but I thought to remove it.

Y/n:"You know Alex is so funny"(chuckle)"he was telling me to slow down the car when we were bringing him here"

Yuna:(Giggle)"He is scared of full speed"

Y/n:"You are lucky to have him"(smile)

Yuna:"He is more lucky than me,to have me"

We both brust into laughter as the operation room's door open.

Jin:"Is everything ok?"

Doctor:"Don't worry.He is out of danger"(smile)

Yuna:"Thank you doctor! Thank you so much!"

Doctor:"No needs of thanks.Its my duty to safe people"

Yeonjun:"Can we meet him doctor?"

Doctor:"Yeah,you guys can meet him"(smile)"I'll take leave then"

We went as Yuna and Rika run towards Alex's room while we follow them.

As soon as Rika enter in the room she attack Alex by hugging him.

Alex:"Woh,woh!"(chuckle)"all fine?"

Rika:"Are you fine?"

Alex:"Yep! I'm all fine,but why there is tears in my pumpkin's eyes?"

He wipe her tears by his thumb.I look at my brothers who is admiring them like I am,'I wonder......if they are thinking same as me..?' I thought in mind as jhope spoke from behind me in my ears.

Jhope:"They are like us"(smile)"you also cry like this when any one of us is hurt"

Y/n:"Seeing you guys hurt,hurts me too"

I told him honestly without looking back at him and I can sense he is smiling brightly.

When Rika move away from Alex for Yuna to come.I was shocked when yuna jump on Alex and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Yuna:"Moron! Bastard! Idiot! Stupid!! Can't you be little more carefully!!? Why you always have to create trouble? For you and for me too!!"

Alex:"Trouble? And that also for you? I mean that trouble is only for me the. Why you?"

Yuna:"Dumbo!!! It's hurts me too!!! So obviously it's a trouble for me too!!"

Rika:"I gusse oppa gor wound on his brain too,that's why his brain-ouch!!"

He smack her head.

Alex:"Are you oppa's baby or eonni's baby huh??"

Rika:"Eonni's baby!!"

She hug Yuna as Yuna stick her tongue out at Alex.

Alex:"Forget all chocolates,toys and date with oppa! Now tell your eonni for that!"

Y/n:"One second! Why all brothers blackmail their sister like that!?? Why you guys have to bring chocolates and all our favourite thing!?"

I walk towards Rika as I wrap my arms around her neck.

Rika:"I'm with you eonni!"

Jin:"That because while blackmailing like that"

Alex:"You guys come back to us"

Rika/Y/n:"And why you think like that?"

Jhope:"Because you always come back to us when we say that"

Yoongi:"You guys only force us to blackmail you"

Taehyung:"And,as we know your favourite things"

Jimin:"It's get more better to blackmail you!"

Jungkook:"And that's also fun to do!"

Namjoon:"Not goona lie,but I agree with Jungkook"

Rika/y/n:"No way!! This time we will not come back to you'll!!"

Alex and my brother share a look then spoke.

Alex/BTS:"Forget all your chocolates, clothes,banana milk,stuff animal toys and last but not the least! Forget your hangout with us! We will never hangout with you!"

Rika and mine jaw dropped in the floor as we both look at eachother in totally disbelief,but soon we close our mouth and stick out our tongue at them.

Rika/y/n:"Still no!!"

We fold our arms and look away from them..

'Do they really meant that? Will they never hangout with me? Will they never buy me chocolates and banana milk shake? No,no,no i can't leave without my banana milk and chocolate!!!' I thought in my mind and look at Rika who was thinking the same.I assumed.

Rika/y/n:"We lose! You guys won,once again!!!"

Alex/BTS:"We know that!"

Rika and me both run towards our brother for a hug.

Y/n:"I love you guys"(smile)

BTS:"We love you too,princess"(smile)

We broke the hug as I yawn.

Y/n:"Piggy back,piggy back,I want a piggy back ride"

I said like a kid.

Jimin:"I,I,I will give piggy back ride!"

Taehyung:"No! Me!!"

I jump on Jimin oppa's back.

Y/n:"This time Jimin oppa,next time you"

Jimin oppa stick his tongue out at tae oppa as tae oppa give him his cold dead glare.


We all look at her as she continues.

Yuna:"Are you guys siblings?"

Alex:"Yeah.I was about to ask that to"

Namjoon:"Yes"(smile)"We are siblings"

He proudly said.

Rika:"Eooni? How can you handle seven of them? I can't handle one!"

Y/n:"That's hard Rika! They sometimes-no not sometimes they are very overprotective!"

Alex:"Ya!! You are saying like I'm your boyfriend!"

He smack on Rika's head one more time.

Rika:"You are not less than my boyfriend! You always act like one!"

Y/n:"That's true! My brothers do the same!"

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