Just so you know...

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AE-RA DIDN'T HAVE TO check who was behind the door. There was only one person besides a murderer who would rock up at her hotel room door in the middle of the night. "I thought you would have given me the wrong address." Ae-ra stepped aside, making way for Max to enter her room.

"Thought you'd have more faith in me." She shut the door and turned towards him. "So..." She sighed.

"So..." Max gave her a shy smile while Ae-ra gave him a look that said 'Why the hell were you so persistent on coming here.' He took a step closer to her. "I'm not dating her." She tilted her head slightly as she looked up at him. "What?" To say she was confused would be an understatement. "Me and Kelly are not a couple and haven't been for over three months. Helmut told my PR manager that he wasn't happy with my private life affecting the brands reputation and told her to contact Kelly's manager."

"We both agreed that we'll wait until after summer break to announce our break up. I was stupid and didn't think properly. I just thought that it wouldn't hurt to wait a couple more weeks but I failed to relise that my choice would affect you."

"Then why show up to races hand in hand?" Max opened up his mouth to say something but she cut him off. "Why flirt with me if you knew you had put up this act of being in a happy relationship. Real or not, it's fucked up Max." He nodded his head in understanding. "It's all PR I swear."

She shook her head in frustration. "I don't give a fuck if it's PR. The whole world views me as a homewrecker. I don't care what people say about me online but this is my reputation we're talking about!"

He gently grabbed her face and took a step closer. The only gap between them was a small tiny space between there noses. "I know and I'm sorry. I'm sorry you've had to put up with stupid idots on the internet and for hurting you." He stroked her cheek softly. She could just faintly feel his warm breath against her lips. Her eyes went from his to his lips and back up again.

Their two faces leaned in closer, their lips just slightly grazing the others. "Room service!" Max cursed as she jumped back. Ae-ra's cheeks were burning red as she realised that any moment longer and the two would have kissed.

She opened the door and thanked the man as he wheeled the food in. When she closed the door she almost dreaded turning around. "I order you something to eat incase you were hungry." She spoke up after finally gaining tge courage to look him in the eye. "You're welcome to stay the night. I wouldn't want you to drive all the way back to Monaco this late."

Max shook his head. "I should head back. You have a flight to catch tomorrow so you'll need your rest." She nodded her head, ignoring the part of her that wanted him to stay. "You should come to Spa." He said quietly. "It be nice to have my lucky charm with me." She laughed at his attempt of convincing her.  "You've won almost every race so far! I don't think you need luck." The two both broke out into fits of laughter.

"I should go." Max spoke as the laughter turned to comfortable silence. She opened the door for him and watched as he lingered for a bit. He looked to be contemplating something, and before she could ask what was wrong, he leaned in and gave her a soft kiss on her cheek. "Rest well Rissa." She watched as he walked down the hallway before shutting the door. "That bloody man." She whispered to herself.

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