III. Jaipur.

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As Keya and Sana packed for their trip to Jaipur, Sana's suitcase looked like a chaotic mess, with clothes spilling out in every direction.

"Are you sure you're not bringing your entire wardrobe?" Keya teased, watching Sana stuff another pair of shoes into her already overstuffed bag.

Sana laughed. "Hey, a girl needs options! You never know what kind of mood I'll be in," she replied, trying to zip up her bulging suitcase.

Keya shook her head, amused. "Well, just remember, we're only going for a few days. You might not need five different outfits for each day."

Sana pouted playfully. "But what if I spill something on one outfit? I need backups!"

Keya laughed, rolling her eyes. "Fine, but just remember, we have to carry these suitcases ourselves."

As they finished packing, Sana suddenly gasped. "Oh no, I forgot to pack my lucky socks!" she exclaimed, frantically searching through her bag.

"Lucky socks?" Keya repeated, raising an eyebrow.

Sana nodded seriously. "Yes, my lucky socks. I wear them whenever I travel. They bring me good luck."

Keya couldn't help but laugh at Sana's superstition. "Well, we can't have you losing your lucky socks. Where are they?"

Sana grinned, pulling out a pair of mismatched socks. "Here they are! One is for luck, and the other is for extra luck," she explained, holding up the socks proudly.

Keya shook her head, chuckling. "Only you, Sana. Only you would have lucky socks."

As they finished packing and headed out the door, Keya couldn't help but feel grateful for Sana's quirky habits.
Sana has been with her throughout her life and she is her only family, to which she is utterly grateful.

(AN: Shout out to my love- my best friend <3)

As Keya and Sana left for Jaipur, Keya couldn't shake the warm tingles in her heart. She was finally going to meet Shivansh Singh Rawat, the man who had captured her admiration for the past six months. The thought of seeing him in person filled her with excitement and anticipation, and she couldn't help but wonder what their meeting would bring. With each passing mile, her heart beat a little faster, eager for the moment their paths would cross.



Shivansh was immersed in his work in his office when his two best friends, Dev and Armaan, barged in, unfazed by his typically rude and sarcastic demeanor.

"Shiv, we need your expert opinion on a matter of utmost importance," Armaan declared dramatically, ignoring Shiv's raised eyebrow.

Dev nodded in agreement. "Yes, the fate of our lunch hangs in the balance. We require your wisdom to make the right choice."

Shiv looked up, his expression indifferent. "And why should I care about your lunch?"

Armaan grinned. "Because you're our friend, and friends don't let friends make bad lunch decisions."

Shiv couldn't help but smirk. "Fine, what are the options?"

Dev was about to say something when Armaan's phone rang, and he saw it was his fiancée calling. He quickly answered, "Hey, princess , what's up?"

Dev smirked, nudging Shiv. "Looks like someone's in trouble with the boss!"

While Shivansh was trying to hide a smile. "I love when my sister walks this pathetic human like a dog.."

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