XXI. Life talks

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GUYS. So a long chapter today because day after tomorrow I have an exam and I might not be able to write much tomorrow. From the past few days I was able to upload daily because I had these chapters pre- written but it was till here only. Now I gotta start writing, so I increased the length of this chapter because tomorrow's chapter will be a little shorter. Okay. Now read!!


As the night progressed, the lively energy of the party mellowed into a more relaxed and reflective mood. Guests lingered by the pool, some swimming lazily, others sitting at the edge with their feet dipped in the water, enjoying the soft music playing in the background.
Sayunkta was completely wasted, and even tho Armaan loved every second of it, he had to escort her to the room. (They are still in different rooms thanks to Shivansh.)

Shivansh excused himself from seeing off some departing guests and returned to find Keya sitting alone, playing with her bracelet. He approached her quietly, not wanting to startle her.

"Hey," he said softly, taking a seat next to her.

Keya looked up, a small smile playing on her lips. "Hey," she replied, twirling the bracelet around her wrist. "Just lost in thought."

Shivansh nodded, settling in beside her. "What's on your mind?"

Keya sighed, looking out at the peaceful garden. "Just thinking about life, you know? How it's always changing, always evolving. It's like this bracelet," she said, holding up her wrist. "Each bead represents a moment, a memory. And as we move through life, we add more beads, creating this beautiful, intricate thing."

Just like how I added your button as my favourite memory.

Shivansh listened intently, captivated by her words. "That's a beautiful way to look at it," he said softly. "Life is indeed a collection of moments, each one shaping us in some way."

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, the only sound the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze. Shivansh couldn't help but admire Keya's thoughtful nature and the way she viewed the world with such depth and insight. It has brought him back after all.

After a moment, Keya turned to him, her eyes sparkling in the moonlight. "You know, Shivansh, I feel like we're all connected in some way. Like each of us is a thread in the fabric of the universe, weaving our stories together to create something greater than ourselves."

Like how I met you.

Shivansh was struck by her words, feeling a profound sense of connection with her. "I couldn't agree more," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I feel like tonight, sitting here with you, I've found a piece of that connection."

Like you have become a piece of my heart.

Keya smiled, her eyes shining with warmth. "Me too, Shivansh. Me too."

They sat in comfortable silence talking and spending their usual quality time.

But on the other hand sat Suhana, her legs in the pool, staring at nothing in common. Dev approached her from behind and playfully teased, "Deep thoughts by the poolside?"

Suhana chuckled, turning to look at him. "Just enjoying the peace and quiet."

Dev nodded, sitting down beside her and dipping his legs into the pool. "It is pretty peaceful out here," he agreed. "But you know, it's even better with some company."

With you..

Suhana rolled her eyes, but there was a smile playing on her lips. "I suppose you're not entirely unbearable company," she teased back, nudging him lightly with her elbow.

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