XVIII. Little moments

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As Shivansh and Keya woke, they both felt a subtle shift in their emotions. It was as if a wall that had stood between them had crumbled overnight, leaving them with a sense of openness and vulnerability that they hadn't experienced before.

At the breakfast table, everyone gathered together. Armaan and Sayunkta were lost in their own world, exchanging loving glances and whispers. Dev and Suhana were engaged in their usual banter, this time about whether brown bread is better of wheat bread, their playful arguments adding a lightheartedness to the atmosphere.

Meanwhile, Shivansh and Keya couldn't help but steal glances at each other, their eyes meeting fleetingly before quickly looking away. There was an unspoken understanding between them, a silent acknowledgment of the newfound connection that seemed to be growing between them.

However, as Uday Singh and Catherine arrived, the atmosphere in the room changed subtly. While no one had any personal issues with them, they were all aware of how uncomfortable their presence made Shivansh feel.

Uday Singh, oblivious to the tension, greeted everyone warmly, but there was an underlying unease that lingered in the air.

To lighten the mood, Armaan decided to change the topic. "So, what's the plan for today, everyone?" he asked with a grin, hoping to shift the focus away from the uncomfortable situation.

Sayunkta, chimed in, "Well, tomorrow we leave for the cocktail party venue that Keya has kept a secret from us. So, today should be our last day to relax and enjoy before the madness begins."

Dev, then added, "I hope the venue is somewhere exotic Keya, I need some fresh air after this girl's "enchanting themed" parties in a row." To which Sayunkta mocked offence.

Keya laughed, enjoying their banter. "Don't worry, Dev. It's going to be amazing. You'll see."

Suhana spoke up, "Speaking of which, we still need to go to the mall for some shopping. We can't show up at the cocktail party in our old outfits."

Keya nodded, remembering their shopping plans. "You're right, Suhana. We should head out soon."

Listening to this, Shivansh's lover boy mind already had a plan forming.


As Suhana was about to head upstairs to her room, Shivansh called out to her, stopping her in her tracks. "Hey, Suhana, wait a minute," he said, approaching her with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Suhana turned around, raising an eyebrow. "What's up, Shivansh? Need something?"

Shivansh hesitated for a moment, trying to be subtle. "Um, well, I was thinking... Since Keya and you are going shopping, I thought maybe I could... you know... go with Keya?"

Suhana couldn't help but burst into laughter at his attempt to be discreet. "Oh, Shivansh you're so adorable. Thing king of Jaipur is mushy mushy for my best friend!"

Shivansh just looked at her as if he was caught stealing eggs from a hen.

"What?" Suhana said, with a playful expression, "Its pretty obvious your highness, the secret glances you share at her, the possessive stare, the love struck look and the "oh-I-am-the-cold-king-to-everyone-but-her" attitude? You gotta be more careful with your softy expression around her."

Well shit.
Am I that obvious?

Shivansh sighed, realizing his attempt had failed. "Okay, fine, you caught me. I do like Keya, and I thought it would be nice to spend some time with her."

Suhana grinned, she wanted to tell him that Keya feels the same but well, decided not to cuz, girl code.. but she added regardless, teasing him further. "I knew it. Well, in that case, I'll go alone. You two lovebirds can have your shopping date."

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