XI.The Fire

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Shivansh sat in a high-powered business meeting, completely unaware of the chaos that had unfolded outside. Oblivious to the world outside, he focused intently on the presentation in front of him, his mind absorbed in the details.

As the meeting drew to a close, Shivansh's phone buzzed incessantly with missed calls and messages. He glanced at the screen, noticing several missed calls from Armaan. Frowning, he silenced his phone, assuming it was something that could wait.

Just then, Jay, his assistant, entered the room with a sense of urgency. "Sir, I'm sorry to interrupt, but Dev sir has been trying to reach you urgently. He says it's important," Jay informed him, his voice laced with concern.

Shivansh, intrigued by the sudden urgency in Jay's tone, picked up his phone and dialed Dev's number. As soon as Dev answered, he could sense the tension in his friend's voice.

"Shivansh, where the fuck have you been? I've been trying to reach you for ages!" Dev's voice was filled with frustration, there was the sound of wind too as if he was driving.

"I was in a meeting, Dev. What's wrong?" Shivansh replied, his brow furrowing in confusion.

"Something's happened at the palace. You need to get here ASAP," Dev said, his tone urgent.
"What? Right now?" He asked. Dev sighed and said, "it's about your Keya you dumbfuck, get yours ass to the palace and I am on my way too."

Shivansh's heart skipped a beat.


Without wasting a moment, he excused himself from the meeting, grabbed his coat, and rushed out, his mind racing with worry. He had no idea what awaited him at the palace, but he knew it must be serious if Dev was this concerned.


As Shivansh and Dev arrived at the palace, they noticed a somber atmosphere lingering in the air. They exchanged concerned glances, wondering what could have caused such tension. As they entered the main hall, their eyes were drawn to the TV screen, where the news headline blared: "Famous wedding planners Elegant Affairs Co. spotted in Jaipur, possibly for the speculated royal wedding, this was near the Jaipur market at 6pm today- recorded by News Today."

Shivansh's heart sank as he saw Keya on the couch, her arm covered with an ice pack and a large bruise visible. Anger surged through him like a raging river.
How dare someone lay a hand on her, he thought, clenching his fists in frustration. He felt a fierce protectiveness wash over him, a primal instinct to shield Keya from any harm.

Keya sat in silence, surrounded by concerned faces. Suhana stood by her side, offering comfort and support.
Shivansh's gaze locked onto Keya's bruised arm, his jaw tightening with anger. He couldn't bear to see her in pain.

It's gonna be a funeral before wedding.

Without a word, Shivansh approached Keya, his eyes burning with intensity. "What happened?" he demanded, his voice low and menacing. Keya looked up, her eyes meeting his, and for a moment, Shivansh saw a flicker of vulnerability before she composed herself.

"Uhm- We were surrounded by paparazzi, and one of them grabbed my hand forcefully," Keya explained, her voice steady but filled with underlying distress. "I am okay now-"

He just looked at her, his heart breaking when he noticed the slightly dried tears on her face.

He saw nothing but RED.

He stood up and walked away to a corner, still in the room but away from everyone. Dev followed behind.

Shivansh's fists clenched even tighter, his anger boiling over. He turned to Dev, his eyes blazing with fury. "We need to find out who did this, someone dared to touch my girl in my own fucking empire." he said, his voice laced with determination. "They're not going to get away with hurting her like this."

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