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Becky doesn't know why she is working here. Isn't she married with heng,that all keep running in her mind. She wanted to know the more information on her.When freen comes to her office,

"Go and fetch me specific coffee within 5 minutes" said Becky.

Freen become paled "who can she bring coffee in 5 minutes as the cafeteria is in bottom floor.She is intentionally tourturing me.ahh!" Freen thought.

"Ok madam" she starts moving from there.

Becky smirks and calls someone to gather more information about freen.

Freen runs towards the cafe and brings the coffee on time.she hope that she won't pass out with this.

"Surprisingly you made it on time.Good job,go and continue your work I want that files at the end of the day" said Becky.(she doesn't want to see freen likes,but her ego letting her do all these.But,she doesn't know the biggest truth of her life which shatters her even more)

Freen: Ok Madam.

Freen went to her table,starts checking the files.Bright went near her.

Bright: What happened to you?

Freen: I have never run this fast in my life.

Bright got worried for jungkook.He then touches freen cheek. " You look really pale and sweaty ,what happened to you?"
Bright asked worriedly.

Freen: Boss asks me to bring coffee in 5min.

Bright: Her personality is like that only. Common you should take rest.

With that bright goes from there,freen starts working Because she wants to go home early as her mother is waiting for her.

Becky got a information about freen.

Name: freen sarocha chankimha
(After reading her name,she got to know she is not married.Internally she smiles happily)
Age: 24 years
Mother: Non
Friends: Heng
Worked in cafe and company.

So,she doesn't married but in touch with heng guy.Ok.


Becky: Come in.

Freen: Madam I have completed all the work, these are the files.

Becky: Place it and and you can go(she looked so stressed.I am being more harsh on her)

One month went away, freen has become very habitat with the environment. Becky saw her everyday, she doesn't like freen talks with others. On the other side, freen and bright have become good friends.

In becky's cabin,

Freen is talking about today's meeting. Freen is happy that,she is seeing heng today as they have a meeting in company. While,becky is just watching freen without listening to her. Because,she looks extra cute today, or her mind thinking that.

In meeting room, becky enters and saw heng. She has seen after 5 years, she keeps on thinking her life changes because of him. A sudden frustration and anger comes on her face like She wanted to punch her face,but she controlled and meeting starts.

After the meeting,heng is talking with freen (He knows Freen is working there, he saw how becky is treating freen like she doesn't know her). Becky stand and going from there, but stops when heng calls her.

Heng: Becky, I want talk to you alone.

Becky: I don't have unnecessary time to talk with you and laughs on your silly jokes like others said sternly (indicating to freen)

Heng: There is not a thing like unnecessary, give me ten minutes. Freen,you wait outside, I wanna talk with her alone about the project details.

With that, freen went away from there. But, becky keeps on thinking why he sends her outside? Isn't they on good terms? What he gonna discuss about the meeting?

Heng: You have changed alot becky. Did you forgot that freen is the one,who you loved in college madly?

Becky: If this the topic,you can leave from here. I don't have interest you can leave.

Heng: Why? Tell me what is the reason. You gave already affected her personal life alot. Now, you making her job also hell.

Becky: What I have done with her? She is the one,who joined this company. You both are happily loving each other then why are you blaming me?

Heng: Geez becky! What are you saying, think before you speak?. Freen and I, How will assume like that?

Becky: Assumption. I have seen with my eyes,you both are in relation from college(What is he talking. Some what she also thinks freen always her,but her ego is taking control on her)

Heng: Did I told you? Why are you making assumptions? From college, have you ever seen with Freen.

Becky: I saw you, kissing her that day outside of some fucking library. Didn't she cheated on you yet? (Why he is telling lies like that, her anger broke down)

Heng: Kissing have you gone mad becky, that's why you are doing this,playing with her (Said angrily). Even though, I have crush on her I didn't do anything like that.

I proposed her few times, but she always said, she doesn't have strength to face another heart break after you. You broke her into pieces,when you kissed another girl infront of her. Even though, she didn't believe her eyes, she wants to talk to you and solves the problem. But after some days, she quit the thought to talk with you. Still, she doesn't say me the reason.

I saw her break down, she cries alot for you. But, she became strong for mother.She suffered alot, please don't make her suffer more. I always tells her, to join my company but she didn't accept my offer.

Becky: Then why you are Kissing? Said angrily.(What he is saying ? From my view, they are kissing each other.He is saying she cried alot because of me, then why she Kissed him.What happened to her mom? She suffered ? Why?)

Heng: Did you saw with eyes,whether we are kissing are not? I don't know what you have seen, we are just talking with each other. After she saw, she starts calling you whether you misunderstood the situation. She wants to talk with you. She run towards you ,but you are busy with others.

Tell me, did you try to talk with her whether she kissed me or not.A big no, you didn't even look after her.You really lost an angel rebecca. So,this is the reason you starts avoiding her.....

That day when you kissed heidi, you breaks her becky. The day which she suffered alot for you and her mother. After you, her mother is not well, freen admitted her mom in hospital. They asked large amount for surgery.

When I went to meet her, I swaw her worst condition, like she have lost her world. She doesn't know what to do then I told her I can give money,but she doesn't take it. She sold their cafe and performs the operation. Even though, doctor's are saying that the scope of surviving is very loss,she stands strong for her and protects her mother. Then, I saw a new freen,who becomes confident in herself.

After that she starts working parttime jobs and keeps studying. She lost her inner child, which i saw in college.

You can also thinks that I am supporting her, yes I supports her because she is a very good friend of mine. She always support me in any situation. You really lost a wonderful person becky.......

With becky;

Stay tuned...............

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