🌺 Chapter-12🌺

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Mr. Cha nodded his head at the sudden outburst of the Kim's and Min's who were fully shocked to the core right now.

"Are you joking with us? Cause if you are, quit it" Hoseok said coldly. Mr. Cha shook his head and replied, "I am not kidding Hoseok."

"But what does he have to do with us living together?" Yoongi and Jin asked at the same time and looked at each other a little surprised.

"There are many reasons. But the most important is, he is the enemy of both families and I want you all to work together to fight him and defeat him" Mr. Cha explained.

When he saw them listening, he continued, "I know you guys don't really like each other but I really want you guys to have a bond. Even if it's a small one. Hyun-Bin or Venomspire is not someone whom we can defeat easily and I hope you all know why I am saying this" They all nodded their heads.

"Hmm, according to my spy, he is out of Korea for a year for some work. That's why I want you guys to live together for a year and form a team who can easily defeat him. If you guys work together there are high chances of him getting defeated" He said and looked at all of them.

After that outburst none of them uttered anything. (Except for Hoseok, Yoongi and Jin who asked the questions) All of them are shocked and now were thinking about what Mr. Cha told.

"Jin, Yoongi you are the eldest of your families. What do you say about this? I am sure you siblings won't deny your decisions" Mr. Cha when he saw all of them silent.

Jin and Yoongi looked at their siblings and then each other. With so much thoughts, (and Jin reading the mind of his Siblings 💀) they both gave a small nod.

Mr. Cha smiled and stood up. "Great!! I will tell you the rest details when right time comes. Till then, I will take my lea-" before he could complete his sentence, Jennie interrupted him asking, "Before leaving, I have a question. Answer it first"

Mr. Cha who was ready to go, stopped and sat back nodding his head, "Sure. What's the question?"

"How do you know this Min's? And how are so close with them cause I thought we were the only whose secrets you know" Jennie asked. Her rest siblings looked at Mr. Cha also wanting to know the answer.

"I know them cause I was the one who took care of them from childhood and made them Mafia's" He answered and the Min's nodded their heads with a poker face.

"I found them when I was in Daegu. Their parents left them when Ji-eun and Jungkook were 6 months old. All responsibilities came to Yoongi and Irene and honestly, they took care of their siblings just like how parents take care of their child. Yoongi is like a father figure to all his siblings while Irene is like a mother figure. This is one of the reasons, they respect Yoongi and Irene most. They sacrificed their own childhood to make their siblings childhood the best. This made me want to protect them and I did. I brought them here, in Seoul and trained them" Mr. Cha explained. All the Kim's looked at Yoongi and Irene who were looking here and their.

"Enough about us. Mr. Cha, you told them how you know us, now tell us how do you know them?" Jimin asked changing the topic.

Mr. Cha looked at him and said, "I am the bestfriend of Jin's father" He replied. The Min's nodded their head except for Yoongi who was looking at Mr. Cha with a confused face.

Before he could ask something, Jin interrupted him "Yup. Our Dad and Mr. Cha are bestfriends and that's why he close with us too" he said while giving a glare to Mr. Cha

Mr. Cha didn't understood why he was getting a death glare but then he heard Jin's voice in his mind and widened his eyes. He looked at Jin and mumbled a Sorry.

Jin rolled his eyes at him but didn't said anything. Mr. Cha cleared his throat and said, "Anyways, now since you guys know why you have to live together, I hope you guys try to have a bond with each other. If you will be together, you can defeat anyone. Hmm?"

They all gave him a single nod. He nodded his head and stood up. "Great. I'll leave then. By kids" He said and walked out without waiting for anyone's reply.

"Kids my foot" Taehyung mumbled while scoffing.

The Min's and Kim's stood up and stared at each other. "So..." Jin began. Yoongi sighed and said, "Let's just try. It's not possible for us to avoid each other or fight with each other all the time when we need to be together to defeat Hyun-Bin" Jin nodded his head.

"You are right. But it's not gonna be easy" He said while looking at his siblings who were glaring at the Min siblings. Yoongi too saw this and nodded his head.

"Um... Guys, let's try to have bond with each other. Hmm?" Jin said turning to his siblings. They all nodded their heads.

On the other hand, Yoongi also talked with his siblings and they too agreed.

But, the question is, What will happen now? Will they have a good bond with each other? Or will they hatred towards each other increase more?

To find the answer, tune in for the next part!

To find the answer, tune in for the next part!

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A small chapter for today.

But, there is a secret in this chapter too. Did you found out?

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Words Count- 1100

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