🌺 Chapter-17🌺

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Next Day

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Next Day

Today was the day Jin had been waiting for for the last 4 days. From the day Mr. Cha mentioned the surprise. Well, if someone else told him about this, he wouldn't have taken this thing seriously, but it was Mr. Cha who told them. The person who always gives them heart attacks. So, it was something he knew he had to take seriously.

It was already 7:30 PM and now he was getting impatient since the day was coming to the end and he still don't know a single thing about the surprise.

Except for Jin waiting for the day, let me tell you what happened in the household. YN and Lisa became very good friends and they are very comfortable with each other now. All because of YN who always hypnotises the poor Lisa.

Rosé, Ji-eun, and Taehyung actually became close too. You can find them sitting in the movie room watching movie together half of the time.

Yoongi and Jimin are keeping close eyes on the Kim's especially on Hoseok and Jennie.

Other than that, nothing much happened.


Or maybe not? Let's just go and find out from where did the voice came from


Living Room

"Yeah!! Are you crazy!!" Jungkook shouted while bending down trying to save himself from the flying flower vase that came directly in his direction.

The one who threw it, Hoseok, glared at him and yelled, "It's you who is crazy!! You and your whole family!!" He threw a pillow towards Jungkook which Jungkook caught and threw back.

"Don't you dare say something about my family you bastard!!" He yelled back. Hoseok scoffed and looked here and there to find another things to throw at our muscle bunny.

As Jin stepped into the living room, chaos seemed to have taken over. Jungkook and Hoseok were locked in a heated exchange, their voices echoing off the walls like thunder in a stormy night.

Hoseok's eyes blazed with anger, his chest rising and falling with each breath as if he were ready to explode at any moment. Meanwhile, Jungkook stood his ground, his muscles tense, ready to defend himself against whatever Hoseok might throw his way.

The atmosphere crackled with tension, and Jin could feel it like electricity in the air. He glanced around, taking in the scene before him, his brow furrowed with concern.

"What the heck is going on here?" Jin's voice cut through the commotion, commanding attention like a beacon in the dark.

Hoseok turned towards Jin, his expression still twisted with anger. "It's him , Jin hyung. He is driving me insane!" he exclaimed, gesturing wildly towards Jungkook.

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