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As Jin finished telling Hoseok everything that happened in the room, Hoseok stood up from the couch in rage

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As Jin finished telling Hoseok everything that happened in the room, Hoseok stood up from the couch in rage.

"So, all this happening cause of those Min's enemy!! Argh, I won't leave them!" He said in anger and was about to walk out when Jin came and stood infront of him.

"You are not going anywhere Hobi" Jin said. Hoseok shook his head, "Don't stop me Sir. Those Min's can't get away from me this time" he said tightening his fist. "And is not those Min's, then I'll just go and find those attacked Jennie and YN"

Jin placed a firm hand on Hoseok's shoulder, his expression serious. "I understand your anger, but rushing into this without a plan will only make things worse," he said, his voice steady but filled with concern.

Hoseok's eyes flashed with frustration as he tried to shake off Jin's grip. "But they hurt our family, sir! I can't just sit back and do nothing," he exclaimed, his voice filled with raw emotion.

Jin held his gaze, his own eyes reflecting a mixture of understanding and resolve. "I know, Hobi. And we will make sure they pay for what they've done. But we need to be smart about this," he urged, his tone gentle yet firm.

Hoseok's shoulders sagged slightly as he let out a frustrated sigh, his anger slowly giving way to resignation. "Fine, but we need to act fast," he conceded, his voice tinged with determination.

Jin nodded in agreement, a sense of determination settling over him as he met Hoseok's gaze. "We will, Hobi. We'll make sure to teach a good lesson to our culprits," he vowed, his voice filled with conviction.

Jin turned towards Namjoon and said, "Joon, why don't you take your twin out and make him calm?"

Namjoon nodded his head and came towards Hoseok, "Come Hobi Hyung" he said.

Namjoon placed a comforting hand on Hoseok's shoulder, offering a reassuring smile. "Let's take a walk outside. It might help clear your head," he suggested, his voice gentle yet firm.

Hoseok nodded, grateful for Namjoon's support. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea," he replied, his voice softer now as he allowed himself to be led out of the room.

As they stepped outside, Namjoon guided Hoseok towards a quiet corner of the house, away from the hustle and bustle of the main area. The cool night air enveloped them, providing a soothing backdrop to their conversation.

"Hyung, I know you're angry, and rightfully so. But we need to stay calm and think rationally about our next steps. You have to control you anger" Namjoon said, his tone gentle but firm as he spoke.

Hoseok sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I know, Joon. It's just hard seeing them like this, knowing someone deliberately hurt them, when they aren't even at fault" he admitted, his voice heavy with emotion.

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