🌺 Chapter-19🌺

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Next Day

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Next Day


oday the house was very calm. The Min's and Kim's were together but were not fighting or arguing today. They weren't from last few days too but 2 of them were.... You know Hoseok and Jungkook...

But, even they were not arguing today. All thanks to Mrs. Kim.

They all had their breakfast which Jungkook and Namjoon made and now were in the living room.

"Mom, you wanted to tell us something. You mentioned about it last night. Right?" Jin said. Mrs. Kim who was talking to Jungkook turned to him and nodded her head.

"Oh yea. I actually have some information about Venomspire" She said making all of their eyes go wide. Even the Min's.

"Venomspire is what all you call Hyun Bin. Right?" Jimin asked. Jennie nodded her head while Mrs. Kim turned to Jimin and asked, "You also know that bastard?" The Min's nodded their head sensing the amount of hate Mrs. Kim have for Hyun Bin just by talking about him.

Mrs. Kim's expression turned serious as she continued, her voice carrying the weight of her disdain. "Yes, that's the one. Venomspire is a fitting name for him, considering the poison he's injected into our lives."

The room fell silent, the tension apparent as Mrs. Kim's words hung in the air. "So, what do you know about him, Qu.. I mean Mom?" Taehyung asked, breaking the heavy silence.

Mrs. Kim took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before she started to tell them what she know about Venomspire aka Hyun Bin.

The Min's and Kim's paid full attention to her talks making mental notes of everything she spoke.

>>> How does she even know this much about him?

This was the thoughts that was roaming in Yoongi's mind from the time Mrs. Kim starting tell them about their enemy.

After some time, she stopped and looked at The Kim's and saw how their expression changed to a cold one.

There are still some things left which I will tell you all alone.

She said in her mind while connecting her mind to the Kim's who looked at her and nodded their heads once they heard this.

She turned towards the Min's and asked, "By the way, why do you want to capture that Hyun-Bin?"

This time the Min's expression changed to a serious one. Yoongi looked at her and answered, "That bastard have made our lives hell as well. Our friends died cause of him. He killed all of them. He is just very cunning that we haven't catched him and killed him yet. Cause he isn't doing anything good to others too. He have kidnapped and sold more than 200 girls till now and more than 150 of them were girls between the age of 4-10 only. He have tortured many people just for his fun. He killed many people's just for the things they had and he didn't. If he likes something he takes it by killing the other. Human trafficking, drugs selling, illegal work, are also some of the things he has been doing from years. How can someone not hate this man?"

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