Part 6

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(Sunday Morning, at Nyra's house)
(Nyra having breakfast)
(Door bell rings)
(Nyra asks servant to check who's at the door)
(Abhay comes in)

Nyra: Good morning, Abhay. What brings you here so early on a Sunday?

Abhay: Morning, Nyra. I hope I'm not intruding. I just wanted to catch up with you.

Nyra: Not at all, please, come in. Would you like some breakfast? I have some fresh pastries and coffee.

Abhay: That sounds delightful, thank you. But first, I wanted to discuss something important with you.

Nyra: Of course, what's on your mind?

Abhay: Well, I've been considering some changes in our project timeline, and I wanted to get your input before moving forward.

Nyra (thinking to herself): I thought he came to see me, but here he is, diving straight into project talk.

Nyra (aloud, with a hint of amusement): Abhay, I must admit, I was expecting a more leisurely visit today. But it seems our projects never take a day off, do they?

Abhay (with a smile): Apologies, Nyra. Work always finds a way to sneak into our lives, even on a Sunday morning.

Nyra (smiling back): No need to apologize. Let's tackle these project matters together, then we can relax and enjoy the rest of the day.

Nyra: Shall we move to the living room to discuss the project in more detail?

Abhay: Sounds like a plan.

(They both walk to the living room and settle down on the couch, ready to delve into the project discussion.)

Nyra: So, what specific changes are you considering for the project timeline?

Abhay: Well, I've been reviewing our current milestones and deadlines, and I think we might need to adjust them slightly to ensure we meet our objectives effectively.

Nyra: I see. Let's go over each milestone carefully and evaluate the potential impact of any adjustments.

 Let's go over each milestone carefully and evaluate the potential impact of any adjustments

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(On the other hand, Zayan arrives at Tasmia's house.)

Tasmia: Yawning Who's at the door so early in the morning?

(Zayan stands there, admiring Tasmia as she opens the door.)

Tasmia: Rubbing her eyes Uh, excuse me, do I know you?

Zayan: Smirking Take a closer look, Tasmia.

(Tasmia looks up slightly, her eyes widening in surprise as she recognizes Zayan.)

Tasmia: Z... Zayan? What are you doing here?

Zayan: Just wanted to surprise you. Mind if I come in?

 Mind if I come in?

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