Part-22 Journey of Love

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(Nyra and Tasmia stand outside the ICU room, their hearts heavy with worry as they wait for the doctor to emerge and provide an update on Abhay's condition. The minutes feel like hours as they cling to each other for support, their minds consumed with fear and uncertainty.)

(Finally, the doctor steps out of the room, his expression grave. Nyra and Tasmia hold their breath, their eyes fixed on him, silently pleading for good news.)

Doctor: "I'm sorry, but Abhay's condition is critical. He's sustained serious injuries, and we're doing everything we can to stabilize him."

(Nyra's heart sinks at the doctor's words, her chest tightening with anguish. She looks at Tasmia, her eyes brimming with tears, and Tasmia squeezes her hand in silent solidarity.)

Nyra: "We have to stay strong for him, Tasmia. Abhay needs us now more than ever."

(Tasmia nods, her own eyes filled with tears, as they steel themselves to face the difficult road ahead. They cling to hope, praying for Abhay's recovery and refusing to give up on him.)

(In that moment, Zayan, his hand plastered and his face bearing the signs of the recent attack, approaches Nyra and Tasmia with concern etched in his eyes

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(In that moment, Zayan, his hand plastered and his face bearing the signs of the recent attack, approaches Nyra and Tasmia with concern etched in his eyes.)

Zayan: "How's Abhay? Is he going to be alright?"

(Tasmia looks at Zayan with empathy, her voice gentle yet firm.)

Tasmia: "You need to rest, Zayan. You're injured. We'll keep you updated on Abhay's condition."

(Zayan nods reluctantly, understanding the gravity of the situation but unable to shake off his worry for his friend. With a heavy heart, he retreats to find some solace, knowing that Abhay's recovery hangs in the balance, and every moment counts.)

Feeling a pang of guilt gnawing at her heart, Nyra curses herself, overwhelmed by the weight of responsibility for Abhay's condition.

Nyra: "It's all because of me... Abhay wouldn't be in this state if it weren't for me."

Tasmia places a comforting hand on Nyra's shoulder, trying to assuage her friend's self-blame.

Tasmia: "Nyra, it's not your fault. You did what you had to do to protect us. Abhay wouldn't want you to blame yourself."

(But Nyra's anguish persists, her thoughts consumed by the consequences of her actions and the toll they've taken on those she cares about most.)

(As they entered the hospital, Abhay's mom and dad, accompanied by Nyra's dad, wore expressions of concern and anxiety, their hearts heavy with worry for Abhay's well-being. They rushed to the ICU, hoping for positive news about his condition, their minds filled with a mix of fear and hope.)

(With a heavy heart, Nyra approached Abhay's mom and dad, her eyes filled with remorse and sorrow. She took a deep breath before speaking, her voice trembling with emotion.)

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