Part-33 Abhay's Jealousy

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(In Morning)

Excitedly, Nyra dialed Atharv's number, anticipation dancing in her heart as she waited for him to pick up. When he answered, she couldn't contain her enthusiasm. "Hey, Atharv! How's it going?" she greeted warmly.

Atharv's voice came through the line, filled with curiosity. "Hey, Nyra! I'm good, thanks. What's up?" he replied, intrigued by her call.

"Guess what, Atharv? I have some big news!" Nyra exclaimed, her voice bubbling with excitement. "Abhay and I are getting engaged next Tuesday!"

There was a moment of stunned silence on the other end of the line before Atharv's voice filled with excitement. "Wow, Nyra! That's incredible news!" he exclaimed, genuine happiness evident in his tone. "Congratulations to you both!"

Nyra grinned from ear to ear at Atharv's reaction, her heart swelling with joy. "Thanks, Atharv! It means a lot to me," she replied gratefully. "I wish you could be here to celebrate with us."

Atharv's voice was filled with warmth as he responded, "I wish I could be there too, Nyra. But I'll definitely be there in spirit. We'll have to celebrate big when I come to India next!"

Nyra nodded eagerly, her excitement growing at the thought of reuniting with her best friend. "Absolutely, Atharv! I can't wait for you to visit. It'll be like old times," she said, her heart full of anticipation for the adventures that awaited them.

(Then Nyra hangs up the call)

Atharv turned to his secretary, his commanding presence filling the room as he issued his instructions. "Cancel all my meetings," he ordered firmly, his voice brooking no argument. "I'm going to India."

The secretary nodded in understanding, quickly jotting down notes as he made the necessary arrangements. "Yes, Mr. Mallya. Consider it done," he replied, his tone deferential as he hurried to fulfill Atharv's request.

As the secretary bustled about, Atharv's thoughts drifted to Nyra's news, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I'll be there soon, sweetie," he whispered to himself, a sense of anticipation coursing through him at the thought of reuniting with his dear friend.

With his plans in motion, Atharv couldn't wait to embark on his journey to India, eager to celebrate Nyra's engagement and create cherished memories together. As he prepared to leave, his heart swelled with excitement for the adventures that awaited him in the land of vibrant colors and rich traditions.

 As he prepared to leave, his heart swelled with excitement for the adventures that awaited him in the land of vibrant colors and rich traditions

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(Next Morning)

Aarav Reddy stormed into the Bansal Group headquarters, his face twisted with rage as he demanded to see Nyra Bansal. "Call that Nyra Bansal here!" he barked, his voice echoing through the corridors of the company. "What does she think of herself? She can do whatever she wants! Bansal Group and Reddy Group have always cooperated, but now she's terminated our cooperation! How dare she!"

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