Part-31 Their Connection Deepens

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(In Nirav's Office)

Nirav: "Sumana, how about we go to the clothes store this evening? We need to shop for the banquet coming up in two days."

[Sumana's eyes widen in realization, nodding in agreement at the necessity of their shopping trip.]

Sumana: "You're right, Nirav. We should definitely find some outfits for the banquet. Let's go."

[Nirav smiles, relieved that Sumana sees the importance of preparing for the event.]

Nirav: "Great! I have a few styles in mind that I think would look good on both of us. Let's see what we can find."

[As they make their way to the clothes store, anticipation builds in their hearts, knowing that finding the perfect outfits for the banquet will add to the excitement of the event. And as they browse through racks of clothes together, their bond strengthens with each shared moment of laughter and decision-making.]

(At Clothes store)

Sumana: "Nirav, what do you think of this dress? Does it look good for the banquet?"

[Nirav's disappointment is evident as he shakes his head, his brows furrowed in frustration.]

Nirav: "I'm sorry, Sumana, but none of these dresses are quite right."

[Sumana's face falls slightly at Nirav's response, feeling disheartened by their lack of success in finding the perfect outfit.]

Sumana: "Oh, I see. Maybe we should try something else then."

[Nirav nods in agreement, but then an idea strikes him. He quickly takes out his phone and dials his manager's number.]

Nirav: "Hello, I need you to bring that dress we recently bought in the auction to the clothes store right away. It's urgent."

[As he finishes his call, Sumana looks at him with curiosity, wondering what he has in mind.]

Sumana: "What's going on, Nirav? Did you find something?"

[Nirav's eyes light up with excitement as he grins at Sumana.]

Nirav: "You'll see, Sumana. I have something special in mind. Just wait until you see this dress."

[As they wait for the arrival of the dress, anticipation fills the air, and Sumana can't help but feel intrigued by Nirav's mysterious plan.]

Manager: *handing the box to Nirav* "Here's the dress you requested, sir."

[Nirav takes the box with a nod of thanks, excitement dancing in his eyes as he hands it over to Sumana.]

Nirav: *smiling* "Sumana, why don't you try this dress? I have a feeling it might be the perfect one for the banquet."

[Sumana's curiosity piques as she takes the box from Nirav's hands, her heart pounding with anticipation.]

Sumana: "Wow, this feels special. I can't wait to see what's inside."

[With eager hands, Sumana opens the box to reveal a stunning dress, its fabric shimmering in the light.]

Sumana: *gasping in awe* "Oh, Nirav, it's beautiful!"

[Nirav's smile widens as he watches Sumana's reaction, a sense of satisfaction washing over him.]

Nirav: "Go ahead, Sumana. Try it on. I have a feeling it will look amazing on you."

[Sumana nods eagerly, her excitement palpable as she disappears into the dressing room to try on the dress.]

Nirav stands still as Sumana emerges from the dressing room, his breath catching in his throat as he beholds her beauty. His eyes widen in admiration as he takes in the sight of her wearing the stunning red dress.

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