Chapter Thirty

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Veracruz Farms, Mexico,

Sawyer looked at his mom with worry, thinking about what she wanted to tell him. "Yes mom, how are you today?" he asked her. His mom smiled.

"Today, I'm feeling very good," she said with a smile and Sawyer smiled back, seeing her good mood.

"That's wonderful. So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Sawyer, did Antonio tell you about my past? About what I had gone through?" she asked him, her face suddenly mirroring the pain that she had gone through.

"Yes mom. I don't want you to repeat it," said Sawyer, scared that she would again get her anxiety attacks trying to remember those days.

"I know. I just wanted to say that if Antonio hadn't saved me, I would have been dead by now. Antonio has done a lot for me, Sawyer. He has sacrificed a lot for me and I feel guilty that I haven't been able to do anything for him. He's neck deep in debt and it's increasing day by day. His home will soon be taken away from him. He doesn't tell anyone, but he can't sleep at night because of the stress and anxiety," said his mom. Sawyer listened intently. This was the first time that his mom was talking normally with him and he was glad to see this improvement in her.

"I want you to help him pay off his debt, Sawyer. I would have done it if I could, but it's really sad that I cannot. Please, I want nothing else from you, son. I only want you to work with him and ease his worry. I beg of you Sawyer. Please help him pay off his debt. Consider this as a repayment for what I've done to save your life," she whispered, holding his hands and begging him.

"Yes, mom. Don't worry. I'll help him pay off his debt. In fact, I've already started working with Carlos at the dairy farm to start with. You don't need to plead, mom. I would do anything for you and Antonio," he reassured her. His mom smiled and opened her arms out to him.

"I'm so glad that I gave birth to a son like you, Sawyer. Come and give me a hug," she said. Sawyer gave her a hug, and she kissed his forehead. It was the sweetest reunion ever.

Later, when Carlos and Antonio returned home, they sat down to discuss their business. With his mom asleep in her room after lunch, Sawyer and Antonio relaxed in the dining room and had a late lunch.

"Thanks for your help, Sawyer. It's because of you we caught José's frauds. He had been illegally selling nearly 200 liters of milk in the black markets for personal gains," said Antonio. José was their dairy farm manager and after catching him red-handed, they sacked him immediately.

"That's wonderful news, indeed, Antonio," said Sawyer.

"Yeah, I hadn't been able to give much attention to everything lately because of Lara's health issues. But she's doing well now and I'm glad that you're here to support me, son," said Antonio with a smile.

"I'll help you with your business before going back to Fordsville, Antonio," said Sawyer.

"Sure, thank you Sawyer. I appreciate your help," said Antonio.

"Sawyer was talking about plantation farming, Antonio. Let's discuss that," said Carlos. So they discussed ways to start plantation farming at a lowest possible cost. They also discussed ways to grow their dairy farm and increase their output. After lunch, with Juana looking after Lara, they went to Mexico City to consult the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) for funds and get help in starting with plantation farming. Satisfied with the outcome of the meeting, they returned home in the afternoon.

Sawyer started working at the farm, dedicatedly helping with the plantation setup and the dairy farm. He had to fulfill the promise that he had made to his mom.

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