Chapter 4

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The shack was a good half mile from the edge of the woods. The house was even further west. She planned to go further into the forest until she found something new and interesting. She checked her military watch. She had a military watch because the last 11 either broke from getting smashed, stabbed, water-logged, or falling from 20 feet out of a tree. 3:27. Good, she had four hours till she had to be home.

She saw a few fallen trees or mushrooms, but nothing too interesting. She went East but couldn't find anything that caught her attention. She wandered north for a while, and then Laika stopped dead in her tracks. Luna looked at her and slowly blinked. Blinking slowly calms dogs down or at least that was what the internet said. She walked toward Laika and then felt it.

It was a change in the air. Like a harsh wind swept through her. The feeling lasted a minute but she knew there was something here. Luna saw Laika heard something scuttling further in. She nodded at Laika. Laika gave her a look of thanks and silently took off running. Luna waited a few minutes for a signal that Laika found whatever she heard. She heard the howl of triumph that Laika found something and walked toward the sound.

She saw a clearing up ahead and smiled. "This is a new area," Luna thought," thank you Laika." She walked into the clearing and saw him. It was a teenage boy around her age she guessed. He had blackish-brown hair and ice-blue eyes. He had light tan skin and what looked like a wrecked uniform. The uniform said "Nightengale Academy" with a Stellars Jay highlighted in bright blue.

Laika had him pinned down next to a willow tree with a stream beside it. Luna walked up to the boy and made a sound close to a hushed yell and bark. Laika looked at Luna, got off the boy, and growled at him. She trotted behind Luna and glared at the boy. Luna petted Laika as a thanks and helped the boy up. The boy looked at her and blushed. "Thank you for getting your dog off of me," the boy said. "No problem," Luna said, "What are you doing out here anyway? It looks like you would be skipping school if it were still going."

"No, just exploring. I'm looking for someone called Luna, apparently, she's around here somewhere. Do you know her?"

"Yes, why do you need her?" Luna said.

"My principal wants her to join the school due to her... abilities"

"Okay," she said proudly," Luna at your service," Luna said, extending her hand for a handshake. The boy took her handshake and said proudly, "Names Enzo. I'll be escorting you to the school."

Luna looked at her watch and panicked. She only had 10 minutes to go three miles, change, start the UTV, and get to the house!

"Sorry gotta go bye!" Luna said hastily," Better hope I get there in time, otherwise I won't be able to see you. I'll be here at 4:30 tomorrow, by!"

Luna took off running with Laika right in front of her. She was going to be late! Then she was suddenly at her house, shoes on, changed, and with the UTV parked in the garage. She looked at her watch. Only one minute went by! What happened?

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