Chapter 9

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The griffin had two small saddles on its back. There was armor over the main bones of the wing and on the back of the head. The griffin had little green tags on its ankles and on the base of its tail. It had a bag clipped around the base of its neck. The griffin had silver feathers unlike any griffin she had ever heard of.

"Luna, this is my griffin, Laranyu. Isn't he pretty? She is one of the rare types. Anyways, up up!" Mrs. Chatham pushed Luna onto the griffin's back. Luna almost fell off the other side of the griffin but managed to right herself. Argie gracefully hopped onto the griffin's back. She settled herself in the first saddle and Laranyu leapt off the balcony.

The sight was gorgeous for Luna. She could see students milling about in the court yards. There were three other buildings on the premises. One of them had a glass domed ceiling. Another had no ceiling and lots of seats. The last one was where they were going. Argie said something but her voice got carried away by the wind. A huge forest stretched by the building for as far as she could see.

Laranyu went into a steep dive and Luna had to cling to the griffin so she wouldn't fall off. Not less than 20 feet from the ground Laranyu pulled out of the dive and Luna almost fell off for the third time. Laranyu gracefully landed and cantered a few feet before sitting down in front of the building. Laranyu was almost as tall as the building (which was about twenty feet in counting).

Luna slid off Laranyu's back once he laid down and she read the sign on the building. The sign said "Nightengale Hospital" in bold letters. Right when Argie slid off and was about to open the door someone burst out of it. The girl had long red hair and round black glasses. She had a purple witch-like hat and a puffy red tail with brown rings on it. She whacked Argie in the face with the door while she was coming out.

"Oh my gosh, did I hit you?" the girl said, surprised.

"No, you didn't but thanks for opening the door."

Argie painfully winked at Luna. Luna wasn't surprised that it had hurt. That girl was coming out fast. The girl looked at both of them then stared at her, "Hi Argie. Who is she, is she new? I saw the griffin and thought there was something important. What's your name? My name is Mikolange, but you can call me Miko."

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