Chapter 8

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The headmistress's room was beautiful. There was a huge window that took up one of the walls. The other two walls were filled to the ceiling with book cases. The bookcases were filled to the brim with books. But that wasn't the most amazing part. All over the room were animals. There were birds, dogs, cats, foxes, and monkeys. There was one rabbit and it was huge. All of the cats and foxes were bathing in the sun. The monkeys and birds were on coat racks and little bars hanging from the ceiling. The dogs were laying on a couple couches in one of the corners.

The rabbit was sitting by the staircase. Its nose and ears were twitching rapidly. It had a white coat and red eyes so Luna guessed that it was an albino. As soon as the rabbit saw Mrs. Chatham it stood. The rabbit made a squeak then turned into a human right in front of Luna's eyes.

The rabbit turned out to be a girl. The girl had stark white hair and surprising red eyes. She was really pale. She had what looked like a running outfit on. "Mrs. Chatham, there is a fight going on in the arena. Now the arena is booked until next week. We won't get any more classes there until it's free." Mrs. Chatham nodded, "Yes, I guessed that would happen. Do you know if the medics made any more of those vials for the newcomers? As you can see, the hunter found the one we were looking for."

The girl had a contemplating look on her face, "Yeah, the medics have more of those vials. Do you want me to run the newcomer there? The medics have more room for her." Mrs. Chatham shook her head, "She has questions that only I can answer. When we are done you can run her."

"Wait!" Luna called to the rabbit before she could run away, "Mrs. Chatham wouldn't it be better if another student answers my questions?"

Mrs. Chatham thought about the question, "I suppose so. She might be able to answer questions that I can't. Argie", she nodded at the rabbit girl, "This is Luna. Luna, this is Argie. Argie is one of our only messengers, she is also our only runner rabbit. When I say runner, I mean she can pick up heavy things and run fast to transport them. This includes people. I know this might be confusing but I want you transformed as soon as possible."

Luna was puzzled, what did she mean by transformed? Mrs. Chatham saw her puzzled look, "Argie will explain it better than me but I can try my best. So, you know how I am part raven and Argie is part rabbit. We were transformed. You will have a shot that brings out your destined animal. Once we see your destined animal we give you those shots and you will slowly get turned into it. But it's not as bad as it sounds. If you get lucky your spirit animal will be really strong and the original shot will bring out your spirit animal. Anyways move along." Mrs. Chatham shoved Luna and Argie towards the window. "I will send one of my messenger ravens for you guys. You can ride Laranyu, Lanaryu!" Then all of the sudden the window burst open and a big gust of wind came rushing through. All of the animals in the room ducked. On the roof in front of the window stood a huge griffin.

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