Chapter 6

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She woke up to a throbbing pain in her head and to sunlight shining on her eyelids. She felt soft grass brushing on her legs. She heard indistinguishable voices murmuring about something. Where was she? Did she fall off her roof? No, she didn't recall getting on her roof at all. Wait, that boy! Didn't he say about taking her somewhere? Enzo that stupid boy, what'd he even do? She slowly opened her eyes. She gasped. There were a bunch of people around her, but they all had tails! She marveled at all of the hybrids around her. They were all a different species. There was a lion and a monkey and what looked like a firebird.

Then she spotted Enzo. "Enzo!" she yelled, stumbling while she got up," You better tell me why I'm here!" She saw a startled look on Enzo's face while he tried to budge through the crowd away from her. The crowd moved out of the way while she rushed after him. When she finally got to him she threw him to the ground. "You better tell me why you had to kidnap me!" she yelled at him," I could've come here with you in the morning! Ruth is probably worried sick!" Enzo looked up at her. His knowing eyes staring at her. Luna noticed that she was sitting on him and got off quickly. Enzo got up and brushed some dirt off of his uniform. He turned and stood next to Luna. "Luna, we all went through this. Just calm down and I'll fill you in," Enzo murmured in her ear.

He turned and faced the crowd of people. Luna looked around at where she was. She was in what looked like a courtyard. The courtyard was as long and as wide as a football field. It was a grassy area with a fountain in the center. The fountain was at least 12 feet tall and double the height wide. The people around her were all what looked like teenagers around 13 to 15. Some had brown hair, others orange, but what she noticed they had in common was that they were all misfits. It looked like someone plucked them from a random school and said 'You're ours now'. On the edges of the courtyard were stairs leading to open halls. The only thing keeping the halls and courtyard completely open were 15 foot wide arches. The courtyard walls were made of black rock. From where she was standing she couldn't tell what kind of rock.

She looked back at Enzo. Enzo was telling a boy with blonde shaggy hair something. The boy had what looked like a cat tail and small round ears. The boy ran away towards one of the halls leading further into the school. Enzo looked at her then looked back at the crowd. He looked at her and said,"Tell them your name." Luna looked back at the crowd. She felt embarrassed. She never liked speaking in front of crowds. Nonetheless people her age! She slowly calmed herself down. Luna looked back at the huge crowd. She told them," My name's Luna." She glanced over from where the boy disappeared and saw him walking back with a lady.

The woman had short dark purple hair and circular glasses. Her ears were like an elves with feathers on them. She had huge blackish purple wings that hinted to a raven. The woman was walking towards Luna with quick strides. The boy had to jog to keep up with her. Luna saw the crowd parting for the woman. "Come with me," the woman told her. Luna looked at Enzo and Enzo nodded at her and smiled. Luna looked back at the lady and nodded. "Sure", she said,"Why not?"

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