Chapter 11

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Luna woke up with a serious pain in her head and in her lower back. She grumbled and then rolled over to her stomach. Why does my head hurt so much? Luna sat up from her bed and looked around. Argie was sitting on a chair that she pulled up. Next to Argie was a boy. He was around their age with shaggy brown dog ears. He had a short brown tail and blond hair. He was sleeping across two chairs and snoring pretty loudly. So much for watching me.

Luna got up and started walking circles around the small bed space. After she got sore from all that walking she went to go to the bathroom. She did her business and looked in the mirror. What! She looked again and saw she had wolf ears. She screamed and fell onto the floor in surprise.

Miko came in and saw her on the floor. "It's already happening?! It's too early though. Oh, whatever." Miko mumbled under her breath. She yelled for a doctor and picked Luna up by the arms. After the doctor came in Miko helped Luna to her feet. Miko told the doctor something that Luna couldn't catch. The pain started escalating in her head until she passed out.


Luna woke up in a new bed. There had to be at least ten beds in the room that she was in. There were five doors from the room. They all had different symbols on them. One had a blue wave on it the other one had a red fire symbol. The one after the fire door had a green earth symbol. The last one with a symbol had a white wind symbol. The last door was the one with no window. This must be the room where they transformed, she thought. 

She felt like she was being watched. She sat up and felt a sharp pain in her head. She decided to lay back down  but looked around. There were only two other people in the room but they were sleeping. She looked around at the floor and saw a lion cub and a dog.

"WOAH!" Luna yelled. The dog ran under one of the beds in fright. The lion cub looked back up at me and then dragged the dog back out into the open. The lion cub batted the dog in the face and jumped onto Luna's bed. Luna calmed down and studied the lion cub. The lion cub looked like it was mouthing something to the dog. The dog then jumped onto her bed and studied her. The dog had the same ears and tail as the blonde boy before. The lion cub didn't look like a normal lion cub though, it had black veins and two different colored eyes. It had a black left eye and a blue right eye. The dog sat at the end of her bed looking at her while the lion cub jumped off of the bed and stood right next to her. Right in front of her eyes the lion cub changed into a human. It was the lion boy from before.

Sorry I haven't been writing. I am a little behind on school work. I will be writing less often. As soon as I publish something I will post it on my page. Thanks for reading so far!

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