Chapter 14

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Luna got into the bed in the water room. She started to look around. It was a huge room that looked much larger than it was on the outside. There was a huge lake in one corner and a small pond in the other. Along the wall near the door were about ten beds. There was only one other occupant in the beds and one in the pond. The one in the pond had a long tongue and frog feet. The one in the bed had neck frills and a pink frilled tail. Luna was led by Argie into a bed nearest to the lake.

"Okay, Miko is going to come in and put this chip in your neck. After that you are assigned a swimsuit that can stretch. As soon as you show what water animal you are you will be assigned a new swimsuit.After that you can play in the water until you master your animal form." Argie said, pointing to a small chip on the bed.

"Also you can talk to the other kids in the room." Saryn put in, getting a glare from Argie.

"The frog boy is called Cricket, or at least that is what he wants us to call him. The girl with the frill is called Anemone, she is part Axolotl," Argie said.

"Why are there so few people?" Luna asked.

"For centuries there haven't been many water people. None of us know why." Saryn said, glancing at Argie. This time she didn't glare at him.

"Well, I will be waiting. What will you guys do while I sit in this swamp?" Luna asked, she was joking but sadly Saryn took it seriously.

"What do you mean swamp? This is very clean and-" Saryn got cut off by Leon.

"It was a joke." Leon said, looking at Saryn with a smile, "Anyways, we will be at class while you get to sit and play in the water" Leon said to Luna.

"I am sorry you have to do academics. Cry louder." Luna said to Leon who looked at her in wonder.

"Did you just call the king of school a crybaby?" Argie asked, gasping.

"How dare you." Leon said, turning around, his tail was whipping in anger.

"Now he is a tantrum thrower," Luna said, laughing.

"Miko! They're bullying me!" Leon yelled out the door. Miko came running in.

"Who!" Miko growled. Leon smirked and pointed at Luna.

"Oh, your fine crybaby. She is a cripple." Miko said, waving it off. Luna opened her mouth at the comment.

"Miko..." Luna whined, "I'm a cripple?" Luna asked. Luna's ears flopped down at the comment.

"Oh, everyone is, don't take it seriously." Miko said, giving Luna a swimsuit. The swimsuit was a light blue with black stripes along the sides. There was a hole where her tail could go through.

"You can change in the bathroom over there," Miko said, pointing to a door at the far end of the room that she didn't notice.

"Okay, can I get in the water afterwards?" Luna asked, her tail wagging slightly.

"Yeah, I think you deserve it. Here let me put this on you quickly." Miko grabbed a little gun looking thing off of the bedside table. She inserted the small electronic chip into the gun.

"This won't hurt. It is going to give us readings on how fast you will transform and what animal you are going to be," Miko said, she tugged Luna over to her by the arm and shot the chip into the base of her ear.

"Ow." Luna said. She pulled away from Miko and started to walk towards the bathroom.

"Wait! You forgot this!" Leon yelled, running after Luna.

"Hmm?" Luna asked, turning towards Leon. He had her swimsuit in his hands. He was also carrying a necklace.

"This is so when you transform, you have the swimsuit or clothes when you transform back. If you wrap it around your neck it will clip itself." Leon said, gasping for air. Luna didn't think it was much of a distance but when she looked back she was already halfway across the room.

"Thanks Leon" Luna said, wrapping the necklace around her neck and feeling it clip itself. She walked towards the bathroom and closed the door behind her. This is a weird place, but so far, she liked it!

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