Chapter 13

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"Why are you so surprised?"

You and Leon were face to face. Saryn had left to get Argie. You stared into his eyes. They were beautiful. 

You felt Leon lean closer. You weren't sure about this. Next thing you knew he was really close.

You leaned in and kissed him. His eyes widened as he deepened the kiss. 

Soon, you were laying on your back while he was making out with you.

This was surprising. You never thought your first kiss would be with a lion dude.

"Hey." Leon said to Luna, breaking up the kiss.

"Hmmm" Luna murmured looking up at him.

"I hear Saryn and Argie coming" he whispered to Luna.

"Ok, how far away are they?" Luna asked.

"About, like two doors? Maybe three, depending on how fast they are walking."

"Okay, you know, this tail truly sucks." you said pushing Leon off.

"Why does it suck?" he asked, sitting on one end of the bed.

"It hurts whenever I sit or lay on it, that's why," Luna said grumpily.

"You get used to it, yours is also still growing." Leon said, flicking his tail at her face.

"How dare you hit me in the face with your tail," Luna said, swatting him in the face with her tail.

"You asked for it," Leon said, getting ready to pounce on her. Just then Argie and Saryn came in.

"What are you guys doing, huh?" Argie said, looking at the scene.

"Oh, nothing, just exercising my tail." Luna said.

"What was Leon going to do?" Saryn asked.

"Um, play fight? I don't know"

"Yes, I was going to play fight." Leon said with a smile.

"Sure... Anyways you get to go into the water room!" Argie said.

"Why? I don't feel watery." Luna asked.

"You have signs of a connection to the water element. Therefore you go to the water room." Argie said

"Okay, I'll go," Luna said, getting up. Surprisingly she could walk better with her tail. She could also hear almost everything with her ears.

"This is amazing," Luna said, and she decided to try to wag her tail. Her tail started to move. This is amazing! She decided to wag her tail until she got to her new bed.

"Someone is happy," Leon said. He looked at her wagging tail.

"I am very happy," Luna said, she had a huge smile on her face.

"How come?" Argie asked, a few steps ahead of both of them. She was walking beside Saryn whose tail was wagging really fast.

"I made new friends in a matter of minutes, whereas at my old school it took days." Luna said, her tail started to wag even more at the thought.

"Well, here you are bound to make even more friends. I am pretty sure that after your transformation is complete the headmistress will assign you to a dorm. If you are lucky you will have some friends there, maybe even a boy!" Argie said. She was really excited about the fact that Luna might get a boy. Luna wondered why.

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