Chapter 1: Face the Inevitable

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Chapter 1: Face the Inevitable

Stella wanted to die.

Almost immediately, she cringed at herself. Poor choice of words, especially in light of recent circumstances concerning the Malfoy family. You wouldn't think that they were in the midst of a tragedy considering the ballroom had been decorated for tonight's grand event. The open space smelled like a florist shop and looked like one too.

She crossed her arms and leaned forward against the balcony railing, staring down with blatant discontent. There were several types of lilies that lined the walls. They were all fully bloomed with varying shades of blue hues in the center that faded into white.

These flowers were placed in clear vases which were already enchanted to be filled with no-melting snowflakes. The same time of flowers and arrangements that Mum and Dad supposedly had at their wedding.

Winter lilies.

In the dead of Summer.

"Little Duck." Her ice-blonde hair was ruffled affectionately as her dad joined her side, "You're brooding."

Stella looked up at the grey-blue eyes that matched her own. Only instead of gloom and disappointment, she saw well concealed rage. While she was sad, Dad and Scorpius had been filled with anger, trying desperately to find a cure. They both spent their days and almost nights in the family's potion lab, much to Mum's bemusement.

"I'm sorry," She whispered, feeling the familiar sense of tears prickling at her eyes while guilt picked away at her. "It's just not fair."

Her dad nodded, looking out at the ballroom before him. His hair was still wet from the shower and if he wasn't in the lab right now, then Scorp probably got kicked out too to start getting ready for tonight's event. Neither of them particularly liked social events, but with her dad being married to the Minister for Magic; he often found himself hosting galas and charity events. It would have happened regardless considering he was a celebrated doctor at St. Mungos.

A celebrated doctor and yet he couldn't find the remedy to heal his darling wife. The tabloids and Rita Skeeter were eating him alive. Only they took it too far when they accused him of not trying hard enough because Hermione Malfoy was a Muggleborn witch. Dad reminded them auspiciously that while he was very good at saving people, he was even better at killing them.

Mum hadn't been too happy about that either.

"To some degree," He said after a moment, "I know how you're feeling. There was a long time where I didn't know if I was going to be alive or if any of the people I cared about were going to survive. Your grandfather was in Azkaban and your grandmother was doing everything she could to save face amidst a growing threat."

"Voldemort." Even though he'd been gone for 26 years, Dad still clenched his jaw and his eyes burned with hatred. "Sorry. I forget sometimes that he was the bogeyman for you and Mum."

Her dad smiled wryly as if amused at the notion. "No need to apologize." He cleared his throat, "Why don't you see if Scorp needs company? I saw him brooding just as you are near the pond by the peacocks. I think he was about to get attacked honestly. He was chucking pieces of bread at their heads."

Stella sighed and rolled her eyes, pushing off the railing. "Of course he was." Overcome with grief seemingly out of nowhere, she turned, and hugged her dad. Automatically, his arms wrapped around her and she felt the lump in her throat grow. "I love you."

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