Chapter 13: New Years in Whitechapel - Part Two

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'Appearances can be deceiving. You know that better than anyone.' Eden reminded, closing her eyes.

Ominis regarded her with a briefly annoyed look before rubbing his arms. Salazar, it was bloody cold. "Lucan will find me soon enough. Let me know if she starts to feel cold again."

Eden nodded her head once before closing her eyes to rest. They'd been out for hours already, she was probably exhausted too. She also tended to be more lethargic a day or two after eating. Ominis slid his eyes back to the woman, unable to look away.

What was she like? Compliant? Temperamental? He couldn't tell.

What secrets was she hiding?

How would he get her to open up to him?

Would threats work? Coercion? Or would she be innocent enough to think that he was a good person and she could open up to him? He was quite good at chatting women up when the occasion called for it.

Manipulating people was his favorite thing to do. Almost as a sort of game to see how far he could get what he wanted without lifting a finger. Would it be that easy?

Part of him hoped she'd at least be interesting. His breath was visible as the snow started to fall. He glanced over at the Thames River, lost in his head. It'd been a long time since someone broke the monotony of the day. Hopefully this princess proved to be something worth his time otherwise he'd have to treat her the way he treated everyone else.

Like she was utterly worthless.

And if she posed a threat?

He'd kill her.

Chapter 13: New Years in Whitechapel - Part Two


After a couple hours, Sleeping Beauty finally began to stir. Eden noticed it first, not wanting to startle the poor girl and wrapped herself up the lamppost. Ominis had been too zoned out and barely had the time to evanesco his jacket and cast a disillusionment charm on himself.

He didn't even know why—but he didn't want to explain to her why he'd been watching over her like some lowlife weasel. To make it seem like she was really alone, he even threw some snow up in the air, covering her with a light sheen. If she paid close enough attention, she'd realize that there were several inches of snow yet she barely had one.

The woman opened her eyes, appearing dazed as she slowly took in her surroundings. She was quiet for a moment, a certain recognition in her eyes like she understood where she was. Ominis hoped so unless she made it a habit of passing out in random places.

Her movements were unsteady and she clutched her abdomen as if pain rocketed through her. Did she even notice? Her gaze was set on the Westminster bridge as she dusted her cloak off and began to walk towards it at a Streeler's pace. Maybe he should call her Snail lady instead of Princess.

Lucan was walking towards them, but the woman hadn't noticed yet. With those sorts of instincts, it was a wonder she wasn't dead yet.


The idiot stepped on a branch underneath the snow.

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