Chapter 35: The Samson Case

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"My mom was tortured by my Dad's aunt once."

"Once." Ominis repeated blithely, "Good for her."

Her frown deepened, understanding that he meant it was good that she wasn't repeatedly tortured. Not like him. No more conversation was had at the moment as they ordered tea and Ominis ordered the cheesecake. She wasn't very hungry and deferred to a small plate of strawberries and cream miniature sandwiches that were bite sized.

"You don't have to and I'm not saying you need to now." Stella finally said, meeting his gaze evenly and with a stubborn tilt to her lip, "I'm only saying that I'm here. If you ever do want to talk, I'll listen."

She expected a thank you. What she got instead was, "You're here only until I do in fact, kill my brother."

Peace offering, her arse. Stella counted to ten again as a cross expression bloomed across her face. That same anger dissipated, only leaving her with a warm sensation in her chest when she noticed his expression. Ominis wore a soft smile on his face, looking out towards the window. It casted a slight glow on his face, removing any shadows for the moment. He looked younger, almost gentle; completely unaware that such an expression had slipped onto his face. His eyes were distant and unfocused.

Eden noticed this too and sent her a silent, tiny nod.

Thank you, Stella.

Chapter 35: The Samson Case

Ominis read through the parchments again, which had her raising her eyebrow. "How many times are you going to read that?"

"As if conversation with you would be any better." He replied back absently, flipping the pages as if he were looking for something specific.

Stella didn't bother giving him the reaction he was craving and shifted her attention to Eden, "Do you go with him to all the crime scenes?"

'Where he goes, I go.' Eden answered, raising her head. Humor filled her serpentine voice, 'Although lately there have been some exceptions.'

Ominis blatantly ignored her, not sparing her a glance much like Stella did to him. Who was the really bully in that friendship? Stella sipped her tea, enjoying the pleasant warmth. "Where are we going next? Samson's residence?"

"We could." The wizard said, finally taking a break to eat his slice of cheesecake in front of him, "However, I think it's a waste of time. The killing was quick and fast. I don't think the clues lie in what was presented. This entire report is sloppy."

"If it's not a serial killer, why do you think his wand was taken?" Stella peered over, looking at the mess of files in front of him, "Do you think there's something being covered up?"

Ominis nodded, "It's partially the reason I chose this case. Solve a murder and get someone fired or solve a murder and discover a criminal within the agency. Doesn't it sound like fun?"

"You have a twisted definition of fun." Her head tilted, "What makes you so sure you'll solve the case with missing information?"

A naughty smile rose to his lips, one full of contempt and a longing to destroy. Destroy what? She was unsure of it, but inherent to the Gaunt nature was a fierce need to cause disruption and chaos. "Don't insult my intelligence."

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