Chapter 26: Trapping a Spider

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Lucan grumbled, "I'll take the files back and owl you tonight. Where are you off to?"

"A house call that's none of your business." Ominis accio'd his jacket, "Eden?"

'I'll stay with Stella." The snake said, 'Unless you've learned your lesson from earlier..." The wizard Apparated without another word and made Eden's tail swish in anger. 'Brat.'

A loud sigh left Lucan, "Bollocks. I don't know what he figured out. And why the bloody hell is he leaving for a house call after supper?"

"Lover?" Stella guessed.

The wizard snorted inwardly, running a hand through his short curls, "He only loves himself. That man is incapable of love unless you have no legs and your name is Eden."

'Foolish boy.' Eden turned her head with distaste singeing her tone, 'Pay him no mind. He's upset that Ominis is making him put in the extra work rather than be handed answers.'

Stella stayed quiet except for bidding Lucan farewell. Tobbs had taken the dessert out of the oven and was letting it cool while the dishes were being washed in the sink. A sad smile graced her lips. "The dessert shouldn't go to waste. Tobbs, why don't you go and share it with your friend from Hogwarts?"

Tobbs' eyes widened, "The Miss doesn't want any?"

Dessert was best shared with friends and she'd failed in making her grumpy savior happy. If anything, he appeared to be in a foul mood as per usual, and in a haste to leave so he wouldn't have to eat her pity food.

"I'm not feeling well enough for sweets. Please, I insist. It would make me happy." Stella replied with fake cheerfulness.

Tobbs nodded hesitantly and disappeared with the dessert, leaving her and Eden alone. The witch slumped in her seat. "Well that went swimmingly."

"It did, actually."

A startled shriek escaped her before she looked up at the shadow looming over her. Ominis was smirking, a piece of his honey blonde hair falling over his eyebrows.

"I thought you had a house call."

He nodded, "I do. We're about to follow him home." Stella watched as another wolfish grin fell on his lips. "Let's trap a spider together, princess."

Chapter 26: Trapping a Spider

Stella didn't get up from the chair, "Go by yourself."

"You're upset." It wasn't a question and there was a twinge of wicked amusement in his voice which worsened her mood even more.

"Bugger off."

'If she doesn't want to go, she doesn't have to.' Eden said defensively.

Ominis raised an eyebrow, "Go away you nosy leech."

He made a dismissive gesture while Stella sent a light stinging hex towards his hand, "Stop name calling, you prat."

Ignoring the hex, his lip raised slightly. "Pot. Meet kettle."

"You're about to meet a end of a very unforgiving jinx in a moment." Stella remarked with a weary look in her eyes.

"Is this all because I didn't want your dessert?" Amusement flickered as she shook her head, but it very clearly was. "Pick a dessert I fancy next time then."

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