Chapter 40: Rumor Has It

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Besides casework, it didn't seem as if there was much more to Ominis' life. He didn't have friends seeing as Sebastian was as close as it got. If he couldn't stomach the thought of touching people, then he likely had no lover. She should have at least seen a woman or traces of a woman's touch if he was in a relationship.

Not that she cared at all.

But more than anything, she was starting to sense a loneliness about him that she recognized in herself too. It might not sound right, the two of them having anything in common. She was born of light and love when he was raised in the dark with hopelessness as his only companion.

And yet... Stella hoped she wasn't being naive when she thought that they brought out important qualities in each other.

He challenged her with no expectations. Ominis' nickname for her could be looked at two ways-in the same manner which she could look at herself. Positively or negatively. It was a subtle reminder from him to be kinder to herself without being overbearing. He wasn't the sort to push his ideals on her anyway. Not unless he was talking about how brilliant he was. Smug prat.

Stella reminded him that the world didn't have to be inherently cruel. Gaunt Manor wasn't a reflection of the world. People like her existed. Ones who showed unconditional kindness for the simple sake of just wanting to enjoy the world. Food helped her reach out to people. When she'd made him soup, it was likely the first time anyone had done something for him without any expectations or hidden agenda.

It made her sad.

She leaned against the counter, realizing she'd been staring at the spot where he'd disappeared. The flat felt empty now. It was almost depressing. Would leaving the 19th century leave her with that same sense of emptiness...?

Hastily, she shook her head and patted her cheeks as if to physically remind herself that this was all temporary. She couldn't risk attachments.

It would only make leaving hurt. What she should be doing was resting or looking through his library for any tips on how to control dark artefacts. Instead, she was reaching for her coat because there were a few ingredients she needed to buy.

After all...

Ginger bites wouldn't make themselves.

Chapter 40: Rumor Has It


In the early evening, Knockturn Alley was deathly quiet. It was the silence before everyone went to the White Wyvern or Borgin and Burkes showed off a nighttime spectacle. Part of him wondered whether or not to check things out for himself and see what new artefact was being shown off. However, he found himself oddly restless to get the shopping over with and go back home.

"Mr. Gaunt." Ominis turned his head to see the owner of 'The Coffin House.' "I heard an interesting rumor the other day."

He kept walking, not interested in the slightest. "If you found it interesting, then I'm inclined to believe it's not. Don't waste my time."

"I heard you're in possession of a relic."

The shopkeeper called out and it made Ominis thankful for the empty street. No sunlight filtered through the alleyway and it might as well have been night already with only shop lanterns illuminating the cobblestone.

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