Chapter 20: Floriblunder's Florist

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Stella shifted her focus to the approaching large shop that was a faded teal color. 'FLORIBLUNDER'S FLORIST' promised perfectly plucked posies and a decorate bouquet. Lucan and Stella both stopped underneath the florist's sign and shared a look.

The sign was decorated with two pink roses and a singular yellow rose.

"That's a good sign. Or not." Lucan mused, taking out a notepad and jotting down a quick note, "Shall we?"

Stella pointed to his beige suit, "If the suspect frequents this place, then you ought to keep it on the low that you work for the ministry."

The other wizard sent her a brief look of annoyance, "Ominis treats me like an idiot because that's how he treats everyone, but I am not stupid. I know how to blend in with society. Now, do you want to walk in or stand here and keep drawing attention to us?"

Lucan walked forward, holding the door open for her. Stella stepped forward, taking one last glance towards the refreshment cart. She wasn't sure why she felt the need to, but when she did; she barely caught the glimpse of a tall honey blond wizard walking away. She spotted Eden around his shoulders, but it wasn't unusual to see him in such a busy district if he was off trying to find information of his own.

What concerned her was that he was slipping through a dark, decrepit passageway out of sight. One she recognized from the future too.

Knockturn Alley.

Chapter 20: Floriblunders Florist

The shop was rather busy for a late Sunday morning. It was mostly filled with women, but she could see a few wizards pondering over what flowers to bring their significant other.

"Good Mornin'." The shopkeeper was a pretty brunette in her early thirties that had a warm smile, "Are you both looking for anything in particular?"

Lucan returned her warm smile, "Yes, love. My girlfriend fancies roses." He gestured to Stella who smiled without missing a beat, "Do you have any in stock?"

"It's not rose season, but I can cast the Herbiviscus charm, and make you a bouquet." She tapped her cheek, "It'd be a fifteen minute wait. Do you have a particular shade you'd prefer for the roses?"

Stella pretended to think, "Hmm... Well it's a sunny day, why not yellow?"

"Yellow roses?" The woman nodded to herself, "Perhaps with some baby's breath and daisies... Fantastic! Please give me some time and I'll come find you when I'm done."

Lucan tipped his hat in thanks before turning to Stella. His voice was quieter and they moved off to the side, "This isn't going to be as easy as I thought. Anyone can order flowers."

True. But the question still beckoned why those flowers were chosen. She glanced away, deciding to people watch for the time being. Florist shops were open and inviting like teahouses. As long as one could afford it, anyone from any social class could make an appearance. It was the perfect spot to not be spotted.

"I'm going to go have a chat." Stella murmured before walking up to the front desk where the woman was pulling out rose seeds from a small container. To grab her attention, she cleared her throat and smiled. "Is it typically this busy on Sunday mornings?"

Cause & Effect | Ominis Gaunt Love StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora