Chapter 11: Burn, Baby, Burn

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"You stole evidence? Weasley's not going to be happy." Lucan reflected with a shake of his head.

Ominis rolled his eyes, slipping the letter back into his tailcoat. "When will you people learn that I couldn't give a doxy's nip about Weasley or the law?"

"Aren't you an Auror? Enforcing the law is also part of your job." Stella pondered, wondering if she was the one wrong about an Auror's job description considering she'd had to explain it twice in the last 12 hours.

"That's the issue." Lucan remarked wryly, "He might be an Auror, but the only law Ominis follows is his own. If his family didn't practically own the Ministry with their generous donations, he would have been sentenced to Azkaban a long time ago."

"Lucan?" Ominis' tone was oddly pleasant. Somehow that was more bloody frightening than him being cross.

The younger Auror stiffened. "Yes?"

"If you continue to be chatty," The prat's wicked smile was back, "I'm going to rip out your tongue and feed it to Eden for dessert. Are we clear?"

Stella watched him visibly gulp, meaning he was certain that Ominis would do it in a heartbeat or that he'd already seen him do to someone else before. "Crystal."

Eden's forked tongue flickered out as if looking forward to it.


Chapter 11: Burn, Baby, Burn

They were all finishing breakfast, Lucan having ordered late when he also decided to make a good point. "If we're to read the letter, it shouldn't be in public." He noted around a bite of porridge. "And we can't read it at the Department, you know how nosy the others are whenever you're involved."

Ominis smirked at this, but Stella interjected. "It's probably because this prat is always up to no good and they're looking for any opportunity to get him in trouble."

Lucan smiled, his eyes bright with a dry sense of humor in his voice, "Look at that. She's been in your presence for not even a day and she's got you figured out."

"That's what you believe," He dabbed his mouth with a cloth napkin, wiping away invisible food particles. Part of her thought he was doing it just to be a snob as he retorted, "But I suppose I can't expect much from someone whose been turned into a chicken and had their own wand used against them. Is there anything you're able to do right or did they pick the most incompetent young Auror for me to train?"

Yep. Definitely a snob.

"I'm never going to hear the end of this, am I?" He paused, "Need I remind you, you're only two years older than me? And I was the organizer of Crossed Wands as a third year! I'm not as useless as you portray me out to be especially when you c-"

Ominis sent him a cool glance that had his words stuck in his throat. There was an intentional threat there before it dimmed and he settled his gaze on her, "Are you done eating? We'll go to my flett."

"Flett?" Stella echoed, her voice lathered with confusion. "What is a flett?"

Lucan raised an eyebrow, "Do they not have houses in the future?"

Flett? House? Oh. "Flat." The realization dawned on her, "Oh, do you mind if I shower? I feel disgusting from that cell no thanks to you lot."

Ominis smiled around the rim of his tea cup and nodded, but Lucan answered. "That was him being nice." He repeated the word 'flat' like it was unusual, "I've heard a few people start to refer to their apartments as flats. I think it's a Muggle coined term."

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