Chapter 10: A Victorian Breakfast

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"Uh-huh. You're flirting with me and already told your boss we've had sex on public property, so this should be a piece of cake for you. What's my name?" Stella crossed her arms, waiting for an answer she knew he didn't have.

Ominis' lips twitched, realizing that with everything that had happened... He hadn't even bothered to ask her who she was. "What's your name, princess?"

"It's definitely not princess." Stella snapped, "Stop calling me that. I'm not some spoiled, useless brat incapable of defending myself." Actually, that's exactly what she was at the moment, but she was going to vehemently deny it to his face. "Give me back my wand."

"I will." He relented, staring down at her with renewed interest, "When you tell me your name."

Stella weighed her options. "My wand and breakfast. You're paying." She nodded once, "And then I'll tell you."

Amusement flickered across his face. He ran a hand through his devil-may-care hair and looked at her with something akin to mercy; only it was tainted by his patronizing narcissism. Ominis reached into his suit pocket, pulling out her ivory wand, and held it out. "Name."

Ignoring the condescending look, she grabbed the tip of her wand. He let it slip easily from his grasp as if he was doing everything he could to make sure their hands wouldn't brush despite him wearing leather gloves.

With a resigned sigh, she met his stare head on again. "My name is Stella. Stella Maris Malfoy."

Chapter 10: A Victorian Breakfast

Stella sat across from him in the Leaky Cauldron, wondering if she should have been more specific about what sort of breakfast she'd fancy. The options weren't gentrified and there wasn't a particularly large menu.

Finnan Haddies, English Breakfast, porridge, stone-ground bread covered in lard, or pie and mash. When the sun had barely risen? Who was eating a Cockney classic before a well balanced breakfast? And where was the powdered French toast? Cheesecake stuffed pancakes with fruit? She'd even settle for some avocado toast right now.

"You don't look thrilled by the menu." Ominis noted, brushing his thumb over the top of Eden's head in almost a loving gesture. The briefest look of adoration flashed across his face before it was replaced with calculated indifference when he looked at her, "If you don't fancy any of these choices, you could always starve. I have errands."

"Are you always this charming or is it my lucky day?" Stella asked dismissively, looking over for the waitress. It had been ages since her family had eaten at the Leaky Cauldron all together, but there were a couple fond memories of the Weasleys joining her here. Speaking of Weasleys, "Why are you on bad terms with one of the Wealseys?"

Ominis raised an eyebrow, "If you knew Garreth, you'd agree he's a bloody tosser."

"Can't be worse than you."

"I'm an arse, he's a moron. One of those is tolerable."

Stella nodded in agreement, "True, a moron is more tolerable than an arse."

"Keep mouthing off, princess, and you can wash dishes to pay for your meal." He noted in a vaguely sore tone, "Are you going to stay at Malfoy Manor then until you give up on finding the relic?"

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