Chapter 44: Oh, Club A'morte

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Stella looked at her, uncomfortable, but also understanding that this poor woman had been through a lot. Would she still be in the right state of mind if the roles were reversed? She wanted to help, but didn't know how to.

Unsure of what to say, she opened her mouth to apologize, but it was then that the woman stepped out of the shadows. Her appearance warped in the light, shifting in front of her eyes. The right side of her face was swollen and her tongue stuck out between her front teeth. It had to be swollen with how it protruded from her face. Her throat was severed deeply-so much so that the incision reached almost fully to the back of her neck.

She would give Nearly Headless Nick a run for his galleons.

The rest of her body was littered with cuts from what appeared to have been a very sharp knife and at least the size of her forearm. What was even more concerning was that as she looked down, the woman had been disemboweled. Stella stepped back, almost tripping, and glanced back quickly to catch her step. When she looked back at the doorway, the woman was gone.

"But she was a whore and Jack ripped into her. I heard from a friend in the Yard that she was mutilated beyond recognition. Her uterus and insides missing."

The creep's voice drifted into her mind, unwelcome yet enlightening her to the possibility. Was this a victim of Jack's as well?

"I think you saw her as a warning." He said thoughtfully, moving towards the window that gave a clear view of the street, "Perhaps she knew that you would run into Jack that night and wanted to warn you in some way of becoming another one of his victims."

Ominis' words now entered her mind, establishing the connection. She'd seen a ghost tonight. Another one of Jack's victims. And if she was correct... That meant...

Jack the Ripper would find her tonight.

She had to get to Ominis before it was too late.

Chapter 44: Oh Club A'morte

Stella rushed towards the club, refusing to let anything distract her as she showed the employee standing outside her work badge.

Get in the club.

Find Ominis.

Tell him what happened.

Her nerves were on edge and she could feel her heart pounding against her chest. Even the blood rushing through her body felt like it was heating up. She walked down a thin corridor, illuminated by red lights overhead. It led to a large dressing room where many witches were trying to dress for their shifts. Or maybe undress was a better word.

Even though her dress was bold, these women barely wore scraps. Stella wasn't judging by any means, but she definitely wished she had their confidence.

"You're new." A girl walked up to her, pointing towards a door that must have led to the main floor. "New girls work the bar."

She would serve drinks? A timid smile spread across her lips. "Okay, thank you."

The witch standing in front of her had beautiful olive toned skin and red hair. Her hazel eyes narrowed, "You'll make a lot of money if you keep up that innocent act."

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