Chapter 52

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I woke up in complete pain. My body felt like it had shut down. My head was throbbing!

Heyy! I heard a voice say as I came to. I looked up and seen everyone surrounding me.

Where Bri? I asked confused as my vision adjusted.

She's still in surgery...Quan spoke.

Fuck you mean! How the fuck I'm out before her? I asked angrily trying to sit up.

Relax bro! Please! Leah cried.

Bullets went straight through you, you lost a lot of blood bro but a bullet hit her gallbladder and they needed to take it out. She lost a lot of blood.

I gotta see her! I tried to stand but the pain in my body took over.

She's in surgery James you can't!

Leah I don't give a fuck about that move!

Dude you gotta chill! She gone be Ight! You could make yoself bleed more and yo pressure going up chill out bra.

Quan please say you kilt that nigga!

I shot his ass, nigga made it to his car before I can finish the job. I was just waiting for you to get out of surgery for you tell me what you want me too do.

Leave his ass! That bitch mine!

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