Chapter 55

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I slightly opened my eyes blinking to adjust my vision. My entire body hurt. The light peaking in from the blinds lit up the half dark room. I sat up slightly. As I figured out I was in the hospital.

Your woke hunny! Kyra smiled getting up from her chair.

Hi sister! I smiled. I haven't spoken to her since I yelled at her.

Hey baby! How are you feeling?

I'm hurting, glad to be alive. I smiled slightly.

I'm so glad you are too, you gave us all a scare. Never thought you'd get shot! But you're going to be just fine. The bullet went through Shooter and hit you and your gallbladder stopped it. You almost bled out a few times but god had other plans we love you so much sister!

I love y'all too....where is Shooter? How's he doing? I have to see him! Tell him I love him.

You're not seeing him! A male voice said from behind her.

What why?

Look sis just finish healing and get some rest. We got you some of the best doctors and nurses here.

Quan fuck these people, why can't I see him? Is he okay? Please tell me he's not dead! I began to cry my heart fell like it just broke into a million pieces.

No, no, no, no he's not dead! Calm down Bri he's alive and doing fine. Kyra cried wiping my tears.

Then why can't I see him?

He had another girl there! Quan said quietly.

And she was pregnant! Trey said as he got up from his seat. I didn't even see him there.


Me, him, Trey, and Quan got into a huge fight over it! You got shot because of him...

I got shot because he was protecting me from him getting shot!

You still got shot! It's his fault! Then on top of that he had another girl! She was very pregnant with his child. That's why you're not even in the same hospital as him. Quan yelled at me.

No he didn't! He wouldn't do that she must of been someone else.

Are you that stupid Brionna you was damn near dying and he was with the next bitch! Don't believe me? Here! Trey took his phone out so angrily and called someone.

Hello? A female voice answered the phone.

Yo this Trey from the other day...

Oh yeah, yeah hey I just left him at the hospital. How's your sister doing? I'm sure he wants to know how his bestfriend is doing?

Hang up...

She straight thanks..

Hang up the phone now!

Is there anything I can do for you? I'm going into check on our little baby. I know you guys had the fight but you guys are all friends so I'll let him know you called.

HANG IT THE FUCK UP NOW! I screamed to the top of my lungs. I pulled my legs into my chest and cried.

He hung up the phone and put it in his pocket. "Leah's also getting an abortion and broke up with me!" He said sad.

Can y'all just leave?

Sis we here for you!


We just tryna keep you safe and not get hurt! Quan said as he opened the room door. They all walked out the room and closed the door behind him.

He said no more secrets! We was gonna tell each other everything. How could he?


Fuck that nigga! Trey said as the door closed.

Good thing she bought it! Quan snickered.

Wait what? Kyra asked confused.

Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about! Quan smirked kissing Kyra on the forehead.

You just lied to her? What is wrong with y'all? She loves that man!

Give a fuck? Fuck him! My sister almost died!

Yeah but she didn't! That bum ass nigga who shot Shooter only shot him cause Shooter shot his ass outside the club for trying to push up on her and talk to her. I don't know much about their relationship but I do know and can see that they love each other very much and y'all just fucked it up for what? I can't fuckin believe you Quan! No wonder why he beat y'all asses! She's going to kill y'all when she finds out.

Who the fuck gone tell her? Quan asked pissed stepping In Kyra face. "I swear to God if you say anything to her!"

Or what? Huh? What you gonna do? I'm already stuck with you for life, so really what?

You ain't stuck with shit! Fuck you!

Fuck me? You just lied to your sister and broke her fuckin heart! Fuck you Quan! Your not the man I fell in love with.

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