30 - Na-ah

55 4 4

"When am I meeting him?"

"Soon." I answer while sipping my hot coffee the waitress put down on our table seconds ago.

I woke up this morning with this burning desire to go out into the city as soon as possible. I've had to miss it for soon long, and would have to miss it again very soon. I did not want to waste my time lying in bed or taking my time resting after the busy last couple of weeks. 

So I did what I usually do on a typical morning. I convinced Leila to go for breakfast with me in a small place not far from her apartment.

"What does that mean?" Leila asks.
Damn it. I should have known she would not take 'soon' as an answer.
If I hadn't stopped her, she would have knocked on his hotel room door last night.

"I don't know. He's off today and he didn't ask me to plan something so I don't really know what he is up to. Besides, what are you going to tell him? That you were curious about your best friends boss?"

"Na-ah," she said, while swallowing a piece of her apple turnover. "You get to do the whole 'he-is-my-boss-shtick with everyone else. But not with me."

I rolled my eyes.

"Rolling your eyes won't help. You see, after that third glass of wine you told me everything last night. Everything. Not only the hot and sexy stuff, but also the way he makes you feel. You're head over heels with the guy. You might not want to admit it to yourself just yet. But I know you. I see it in the way your eyes shine when you talk about him."

I hated it when she was right about these things.

"Fine." I grouch. 
"I guess you can meet him tomorrow.  He has some more interviews before the show later that evening. He should be free during lunch and then he needs to be at The Garden by 2pm for soundcheck. After that..."

"Millie, honey, stop. I didn't ask for his whole itinerary. I asked when I was going to meet him."

She looks at me funnily, assessing what I just said. "You're nervous. That's what it is. You're nervous of me and him meeting."

I looked away, slightly blushing.

"Why, babe? Are you scared I'm going to tell him about that time you peed your pants laughing about that stupid joke I made last Christmas?"

"I didn't pee my pants. I nearly peed my pants. There's a difference."

"Suuure Millie. If that's the story you're going with." She says laughing.
I can't help but join her.

When we're both done, I sigh.
"I think I'm just scared..."

She nodds, not wanting to interrupt me, urging me to continue.

"I had, or have, this life on the road. It's different from normal life. But when you two meet. It's like the real world and the fantasy world I've been living in these last couple of months are going to collide. It's all going to become 'real world' and maybe I don't have this click with Hunter in the real world." I shake my head. "I don't know... does that make sense?"

She reaches for my hand across the table and squeezes it reassuringly.
"It does, yeah."

We sit there quietly for some time until se continues. "But honestly... what's the worst thing that could happen?"

"I could lose my job. A job I happen to love."

"So?" She responds. "Just apply for a job as Harry Styles's assistant then. He's hot too."

I laugh. He is.
But that wasn't my point.

"Fine. I could get hurt."

"Yeah. But imagine this. What if you let him go without giving him a proper shot in the real world and he starts dating someone else."

Now THAT would hurt. The thought alone makes me a little sick.

I've thought about it before. Offcourse I had. I didn't know how things would go from here but I knew I had to give it a chance.

I already made the decision I wanted to take that chance. But being home made everything so very real and that somehow made me question my earlier decisions.

My phone buzzed and got me out of my thoughts. I smiled when I read the text that had just popped on the screen.

From: Hunter, 8.12

I'm up and you're nowhere near. I don't like it. Is it weird that I miss you

Leila looks at me with expecting eyes so I show here the text.

"Oh my, he likes you. He really does. Boys don't just text girls the first thing in the morning if they don't. And they sure as hell don't say they miss girls out of the blue. It says a lot."

I hadn't thought about it like that. I was mostly suprised he was already up.

To: Hunter, 8.14

Are you feeling okay? Why are you up already? LOL.
I may have missed you a little too.

"You have to jump Millie. You should have seen your eyes light up when you saw his name pop up on that screen. Not to mention the grin you had plastered on your face when you were just typing your reply." She winks, genuinely happy for me.

My best friend.

The one that would always tell me truth. No bullshit.

I loved her for it.

Offcourse she had to meet him.

If we didn't click in my world or if she didn't approve of him it would be better to know sooner than later.

My phone buzzed again.

From: Hunter, 8.17
I was hoping to see you today. I wanted you to know that before you plan your day full with I don't know what you are wanting to do now that you are back home. 🤓🤓🤓

Before I get a chance to reply, my phone buzzes again.

From: Hunter, 8.17
And before Paul gets a chance to take you out.

To: Hunter, 8.19
Are you... jealous?! 😱
Didn't make any plans so far. Just wanted to hang out with Leila for a while. 
You could join us if you like? 

From: Hunter, 8.21
Tell me where you want me and I'll be there.
On time. 
Pinky swear 😘

Here. We. Go.


Hi everyone, 

So here it was. The newest chapter of "Flashing Lights" - after 3 years.

Please let me know what you think - I'm open for all feedback good and bad!

For those of you who have been with me since I first started writing this story... thank you so, sooo much for sticking by me for all these years and still reading this story - your continuing support is the reason why I've kept thinking about Hunter and Millie and why I've decided I couldn't stop writing their story without finishing it. 

For those of you who are new readers. You have no idea how much it means to me to know that people are reading and enjoying this story. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart. 



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